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I hear a knock on the door, and I groan, moving Sam off of me gently and going to the door. I look and see Miles, fully dressed before the sun has risen. "Come on." He whispers, and I nod, closing the door and looking around the room for my clothes.

I find my pants, and I look at Sam to see that she has on the shirt I had on. I groan, looking around the room and finding a shirt. I pick up a random piece of paper, writing 'be back soon -eddie' on it. I lean down, kissing her forehead before walking out of the room.

I glance at the clock, I've only been asleep for 2 fucking hours. "Sorry for the early morning, when they call you go." He says, grabbing his keys and walking to the back door. "Where are we going?"

"Next town over, don't worry, the police aren't worried about you over there." He replies as he locks the door and we make our way over to his car, "So who are these people?" I ask as we get into the car, and he quickly pulls off.

"Hitch is his name. He owns all of this shit, everyone answers to him. He wants me to make a delivery for him." He replies, and I nod my head, looking at the house in the distance as we pull off. I think about the way he had his hand on Sam's waist, and I get angry just thinking about it.

"Just so we're clear, you know Sam's off limits, right?" I ask, and he turns his head and glares at me. "Come on, bro, do you not remember me giving you the house so that you could have a chance with her?" He questions, and I look away from him.

"Just making sure." I mutter out, laying my head back against the seat, and I hear him chuckle. "I only put my hands on her waist, I didn't kiss her or anything." He jokes, but I don't find the joke to be that funny.

"Your hands on her waist was more than enough." I reply, closing my eyes and yawning. I didn't even get time to rest. He chose the absolute worst time to do something. Hours after our first time together? He could've had more decency than that. I know he doesn't know, but that should be bro code or something. Don't take a man away from a girl while they're sleep.

Something like that.

He turns up his music, speeding down the dark roads. I feel guilty, just leaving Sam there, but I have to make ends meet. He drives for about 3 hours before he pulls over and shakes me to wake me up. While I'm adjusting to the now rising sun, he hands me a hoodie, a ski mask, and a gun.

"Don't hesitate to shoot. That'll get us killed." He says, and I nod, putting the hoodie on. "Here's the plan. We're going to quietly walk in, break into the cellar, and then we're going to leave and deliver it. If anything goes wrong, I'll handle it, but if some idiot tries anything, protect yourself."

What the fuck did I get myself into?

"Got it." Is all I reply, but I actually do not have it. He nods, going back on the road and passing by a house. He drives down further, pulling over eventually. He parks the car and we start to walk down the empty road with duffle bags.

Miles punches in a code by the door, and we walk into the house quietly with our hoods ups and ski masks on our faces, guns in our hands. The house was empty, no cars were here. The house was huge, a mansion, and apparently we got lucky enough that no one is home.

I follow him down the stairs, he's focused and hasn't said a word since we got out of the car. He must be used to this. We get to the cellar in the basement and he pulls out some type of drill out of his duffle bag and begins to drill different holes in the way. "You're on lookout. Tell me if anyone comes." He says, and I nod, turning and watching the stairs.

He continues to drill until he finally gets the door opened, and he begins to fill the duffle bags with tons of cash and other shit that's in the cellar. He motions me over, and I begin to help him fill the duffle bags. There's tons of shit in here: money, drugs, diamonds.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now