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Thanks for 100k. Here's Sunday's update early... :) Also new cover.. what do we think?


"This is why you should've taken your car!" Steve says, speeding off to the house. I shake my head, continuously trying to reach Eddie through the walkie-talkie, but I still get no answer.

"Eddie! Eddie!" I scream through the walkie-talkie, but he doesn't answer, and I sigh, giving up on it. There's no way that Jason found him already, there's no fucking way. As soon as Lucas told us we came here, and there's no way Lucas told them where we found Eddie.

"I was lying so I wouldn't have to drive." I shrug, and he looks at me through the mirror. "Yeah, I'm aware." He says, and I roll my eyes, looking over at Max to see that she was already looking at me with the same look on her face.

"Can you hurry up?!" I yell, and Steve slams on his breaks, stopping completely in the middle of the road, sending all of us forward. "What the hell?" Max yells, sitting back in her seat while we all look at Steve crazily.

"Are you insane?" I yell at him, fixing my hair and sitting back in my seat.

He turns around to look at us, and we look at him confused. "Listen, I'm the one who's driving you to save your little boyfriend, so spare me the yelling! I knew I should've gone with Nancy, but once again, I'm the God damn babysitter." He rants, letting out a sigh and waiting for a reply.

"You done yet Steve?" I reply shortly, looking away from him and out the window. I'm not going to deal with him and his random spurts of anger.

"Dude, you're in the middle of the road!" Dustin yells at him, motioning for him to drive, and Steve turns back around and begins driving again. Dustin looks at me sympathetically, and I give him a small smile, looking back out of the window.

As he drives, we sit in silence, and I'm shaking my leg, trying to figure out what I'm going to do if I run into Jason here. I understand his reasoning, but what happened to people letting the police do their job?

Jason isn't going to do anything but get in the way of what we're trying to do. He's just in the way, and the last thing we need right now is him finding Eddie. Steve slows down as we pull up to the house, and my eyes widen when I see a car in the driveway.

"Whose car is that?" Dustin asks, and I shrug, being just as confused as him.

"Shit, just- wait for five fucking minutes so I can make sure he's okay. Jason is literally on a manhunt." I say, frantically looking outside for Eddie, or whoever is in that car. "What? No, you're not going alone." Steve says, and I ignore him. He might be right, but I really don't want him trying to act like a superhero right now.

"Max, come with me. Stand at the door, and if anything happens you'll be there." I say to her, and she rolls her eyes, opening the door and getting out. "That's still a dumb idea."

"I can protect myself. And if all else fails, Max and I are just confused girls who got lost. We'll be fine." I say to him, and he rolls his eyes before replying, "God. Fine- fine go!" Steve says, rubbing his face in defeat.

"Wait, he needs something to protect himself," I say, throwing stuff around in his car and looking for any type of weapon that could be here. You would think after saving Hawkins a couple times that this guy would keep weapons in his car. I spot Steve's infamous bat, and he immediately begins to shake his head no. "No. Sam, absolutely not."

"He needs something!" I argue, and he continues to shake his head, not wanting to let me take the bat. "Not my bat!" He argues back, and I groan. If I had the time I would literally take every piece of hair out of his fucking scalp.

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