CHAPTER7: Shadow, The little demon

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"Last night you wanted a hug, and I hugged you. Now I want a hug."

"But it's not fair. I was drunk that time."

"That's not my problem." And then I tightened my arms around him. He didn't say anything anymore. I want to stay like this forever.

5 minutes passed and I haven't let go of him yet. And he just continued cooking and ignored me.

"Okay P'Kim breakfast is ready. Let go of me already." He spoke.

"Okay." I said with an annoyed look on my face.

"Here. Try it." He looked at the omelet and then my face.

"Humm. It's good. How your cooking is this good?" I continued eating.

"It's not that good P'. Everyone can make it. Except you." He said the last word teasingly.

"Now you are making fun of me. Huh?" He laughed loudly and I couldn't help but laugh with him.





"I'll wash the dishes." We have already finished eating.

"No P'. Let me do it."

"But you made the breakfast."

"Then I'll help you."

"Alright. Here let me help you put the apron on." I said while helping him. He smiled. And then we started to washing the dishes.




The two boys were laughing while doing the dishes. Sometimes, Porchay splashed water on Kim and so did Kim. They were laughing hard and teasing each other. They didn't even didn't pay attention to time or anything else. That was the first time they were this happy together after a long time.

They were laughing out loud and suddenly, Chay felt something fluffy touching his feet. He stopped laughing and looked down and saw a black cat clinging to him. Kim followed Chay and looked down and saw his cat.

"What are you doing down there? Ha?" He asked his cat as it could answer. Kim dried his hands and picked up his cat.

"P' you have a cat?" Chay looked amazed. And Kim nodded his head.

"It's so cute P'. What is it name?" Chay said while patting the cat in Kim's arms.

"Shadow. Do you want to hug him?" Chay grabbed the cat.

"Seems like Shadow likes you. He's a little aggressive with others."

"Meow." Shadow said as a reply to Kim.

They both laughed at him.

"Okay. You are not aggressive at all."

"How can this cutie be aggressive?" Chay looked at the cat. And he looked so comfortable in Chay's arms.






Chay seems to really likes cat. And Shadow is playing with him like his owner is Chay and not me. They both just forgot my existence. I have to admit it that they look so cute together. And this brat always bites me and right now he is acting innocent in front of Chay.

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