Chapter 35: First Kiss

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Jiyeon wasn’t like Hyunjung. No matter how much alcohol she drank, it wouldn’t get to the point where she would black out. Aside from some dizziness and some floaty thoughts, she was relatively normal.

The bad part was exactly that she was normal, she would rather she be unable to react!

She was too much, she even pulled on this crybaby’s cheeks while being so happy……

With her anxiety surging, she felt so awkward she wanted to pretend she was drunk to the point of fainting on the ground.

But it definitely wouldn’t have worked.

Looking up, Hyunjung's face which was still currently being pinched by her was black with anger.

Although she didn’t say anything or move, her eyes looked like they could kill. They moved to Sojung, then back to Jiyeon as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips tightened.

It was as if she was about to die of anger.


After a moment, Jiyeon lowered her head, unable to make eye contact any longer.

She had drunk too much today, her brain wasn’t working as quickly as it normally did. She thought for a while, but she couldn’t figure out a solution.

After finally thinking of an idea, Sojung, who was originally sitting quietly behind, suddenly came over.

This person was wearing too little today.

The night breeze was too cold, and she was shivering all over. Jiyeon was her snuggle buddy but she had disappeared, so Sojung couldn’t take it anymore, standing up to find her.

Looking up, she saw that Jiyeon was right there, but there was a woman next to her that she had never seen before.

The two of them looked like they were very close. One of them had both hands on the other’s shoulders, while the other person had both her hands on the other’s face.

What kind of game was this?

Sojung felt puzzled, unable to figure it out after a while, so she stumbled over and stared at them with her head tilted to one side.

She was still curious after a while, so she reached out and pushed Jiyeon's arm, asking in a low voice: “Who’s this?”

Her tone sounded like a robber who had just met up with a bandit.

Jiyeon's heart was bitter. She wanted to say it was her boss, but she was afraid that if she appeared too sober, Hyunjung would hold it against her tomorrow.

When she was considering if she wanted to use another word, Sojung spoke again.

“She’s so good-looking.” She nodded as she spoke, as if in approval of Hyunjung. “This is the first time I’m seeing someone so good-looking.”

This was also the first time Sojung hadn’t spoken nonsense after she got drunk.

Jiyeon sighed in relief, thinking that this was a compliment after all. Hyunjung would feel good about it, so she agreed with Sojung: “Right, right, you’re right.”

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