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Lauren's POV

After half an hour I got another text.

A: Its ready!! :)

L: Ok so what am I supposed to do?

A: Go to the front of the school and you'll see from there. I hope you will like it

L: Ok. Don't worry I will :)

I cannot wait! I get ready and walk to the school. I really wasn't sure what I was looking for but I walked up to the front doors. There a note sticky note was hanging. It was addressed to Lauren.

"This is where we met

I fell in love at first sight

Even when I didn't know your name yet

Now go somewhere else

Another special place

Where you can stuff your mouth and face

Ask for your order its already payed

Just grab it and take it to another place

Arrangements have already been made"

This is too cute I want to cry. I wasn't sure where to go. There were many places to go out and eat. It said my order was ready so that would have to make it takeout. So it was either chinese food or pizza. Though it says special place so it must be my favorite place. Favorite pizza place would be Antonio's New York Style Pizza. That's it!

I made my way there as fast as I could. It was good that it was just a short walk. I should of just borrowed my dad's car. When I got there I went to the counter and I asked for my order. The man had a smile on his face when he brought it to me. On top of the box was another note.

"You figured it out

Now the next place to go

Is easy to find without a doubt

After that it might be far

So I suggest you get your car

plus you'll carry something else

Go to a friend's house

She helped me lots

And seen in a lot of neon dots

On her clothing"

That one was easy. It was Ally, since she loves the color neon. Wait what did Ally have to do with this? Does she know who my secret admirer is? I wasn't sure but I went back to my house and got my car. Then I went to Ally's house. I knocked on her door and she opened it with a smile.

"Hey Allycat." I said with a grin. Maybe she could tell me who my secret admired was. If she was in this she should know. Saves me from thinking.

"Hey Lauren this is for you." She replied handing me bouquet of flowers. I couldn't help but smile. It was so beautiful. They had a note on top.

"This is the last place to go.

A place where kids play

Not caring what they do

A place full of fun

Where we could take our future son

A place you can figure out without another clue"

I read the note and look back at Ally. "So you know who it is?" I asked her. She looked down.

"Sorry Lauren. I'd love to tell you who your secret admirer is but I was told not to say anything and just give you the flowers." She said with a frown.

"Its ok Allycat. I still love you." I told her. She smiled and gave me a hug. I am dying of curiosity to know who this mystery person is!

"I hope you can love this person back because I know they really care about you. Please don't break their heart." She told me.

"Don't you worry Ally." She smiled at me.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Go!"

Ok. Ok." I said running off into the car. Where was I going? Should of asked Ally. Well where kids play. That would be the park. It had to be.

I drove to the nearest park. It was a good thing for the car because it was like five miles away. I parked the car, grabbed the pizza and flowers and I walked to the playground. In front of the slide there was a trail of roses. I followed it. This was so pretty. It let to a picnic table. I set the stuff down and on the table there was a lyrics sheet with words I already knew and a note.

"Sing to me and make me come out" It said. Suddenly music started playing.

Camila's POV

Everything was ready and I couldn't wait till she saw the surprise I had in store for her. I have dreamed of this moment for so long. I was finally going to tell her that it was me. I waited patiently until she figured everything out and she arrived. She looked beautiful like always. Hopefully she would accept to be with me. Words can't describe my feelings for her.

As soon as I saw her walk and read the note, I started the music. She started looking around and called me with her stunning voice. Show time.


Hey. Sorry the notes sucked but I was trying to make them rhyme and I failed. So the next chapter is the last one. If you want a sequel comment cause this story is just about to end and I'm sure you guys will want one. Vote and comment what you think. -S

Hey people! Sadly it's coming to an end! But comment and let's us think about the idea of a sequel. Please keep supporting by leaving a comment and voting! -P

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