Late night visit

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Camila's POV

What's that sound? I groaned and stood up. I was awaken by a phone call. I could just ignore it. It must be Lauren, my brain said. Shit! I answered as quickly as I could. "Hello. Lauren?" I was waiting for a reply but instead I heard sobbing. Why was she crying? Duh stupid! I started to get worried. What could have happen? Something really bad must've happened.

"Lauren! You ok? Lauren. Please talk to me!" I said, trying to get her to at least answer me. "Lauren tell me what happened." This was killing me.

Still the only response I heard was sobbing. "Ok Lauren, I'm coming over." With that I hung up the phone and got ready to leave. I looked at the clock. It was almost eleven, meaning I would have to sneak out. I stood by my window and stared outside.

Lauren's POV

"Ok Lauren, I'm coming over." Was the last thing I heard before she hung up. I should have told her no, that I'm ok but that would have been a complete lie. I was devastated, this was one of the worst nights of my life.

I was still crying when around ten minutes later I heard something hit my window. I looked down and saw Camila throwing small rocks and jumping. She pointed to the door and I went down to open it.

I opened the door and felt her arms wrap around me. I immediately felt better. "Lauren you ok? Tell me what happen. Did he hurt you? Tell me so I can go beat him up. It'll be hell on Earth for him." I couldn't help but smile at her silliness. Right there in that moment, I knew Camila will always be there for me.

"Thanks Camila but I don't think that it would help." I said. She let go of me and looked me straight in the eye. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Can you tell me what happened?" I was trying to but the memory kept making me cry. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me, I understand." She hugged me again. I cried against her shoulder and hold onto to her as if my life depended on it.

I didn't want her to let go. I felt warm and safe. We stood there for what felt like five minutes. She let go again and I missed the warmth she brought upon me. "Come on, we'll go upstairs and watch a movie until you're ready to talk about it." She half looked like she was going to cry. I could be imagining things.

We went upstairs and laid on my bed, while Camila looked at my movie collection. "Lauren all you have are scary movies." She whined. "I'll put this one in, it looks the least scariest." She pouted. I couldn't help but laugh at the comment. She looked like a cute puppy. She smiled at me and layed on my bed besides me. I really felt better with Camila by my side. She made me happy.

The movie started and at my favorite part, I could feel Camila trembling. I hugged her so that she won't freak out more than she has. She was so sweet, watching a scary movie just to comfort me, dealing with a wreck I am right now. Camila was special, she was really something unique.

"Camila you do know you looked like a deformed monkey jumping like that?" I teased. We both laughed.

Camila's POV

I put a pillow on my bed hoping it would fool my parents in case they came in. I got out through my window which was pretty easy since I lived in a one story house. After that I pretty much ran to Lauren's house. I was really beyond mad. What the hell happened that made Lauren cry? I swear if I see Keaton, I'm going to break his face and make him regret living.

I got to Lauren's house and then had no idea how I was going to talk to her. I wasn't strong enough to climb up to the second floor. Who am I kidding?! I would die. I guess I'll do it old fashion way and throw rocks. I threw three rocks before I saw Lauren's face looking at me. I jumped to make sure i had had attention. I probably looked like a weird monkey. She looked like she hadn't stopped crying since the phone call. I pointed towards the door because that was the only way I could get in.

As soon as she opened the door I hugged her. I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to know what happen in order to comfort her. "Lauren you ok? Tell me what happen. Did he hurt you? Tell me so I can go beat him up. It'll be hell on Earth for him" I said. I was ready to go kill Keaton if she asked me to. She stopped crying. and answered me and smirked weakly . "Thanks Camila but I don't think that it would help." I stopped the hug to look her in the eye to make sure she wasn't lying. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded at me. I guess she was feeling better."Can you tell me what happened?" Thinking it was a better time now. I was wrong she broke down crying again. "It's ok." I hugged her. She'll tell me when she's ready, I thought.

After a while, I wasn't sure if I was hugging her because I wanted to comfort her or because I really enjoyed her hugs. She cried against my shoulder which was heartbreaking. I felt a tear down my cheek but wiped it away quickly so she won't see. I decide it would be best to let go. Maybe we should watch a movie to cheer her up.

"Come on, we'll go upstairs and watch a movie until you're ready to talk about it." I told her. I regretted it after looking at the movies she had. "Lauren all you have are scary movies." I whined, I was really a scary cat. These movies looked super scary. "I'll put this one in, it looks the least scariest." I really didn't mean to say that out loud. She laughed at me, I couldn't help but smile. I loved her laugh. I layed down on the bed next to her.

I started to tremble. This movie was so scary. I wanted to cover my eyes and hide under the covers. Then I felt Lauren's arms wrap around me and I began to feel safe. I just wanted to stay this way forever.

"Camila you so know you looked like a deformed monkey jumping like that?" She teased. Great minds think alike. We started laughing.

Lauren's POV

I woke up the next day and felt cold. Camila wasn't next to me anymore. Instead I found a note beside me.

"Sorry I left without saying goodbye but I had to leave and get home before my parents noticed I'm gone. I'll call you later, since we still need to talk."

I couldn't believe it. She had snuck out of her house just to see me. I had to call her. Plus I think I was ready to tell her what happened on my date.


I hope you like the Camren stuff. Next chapter will be Lauren and Keaton's date. I tried to make this chapter long again and going to make the next chapter even longer hopefully. If you have any suggestions please comment or message me on kik abrilhuaman. Don't forget to vote. -S

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be better. Don't forget to comment or message us. Please vote. -P

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