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Lauren's POV

The note read.

"I thought it was done for

You fooled with my heart

You left me thinking it was more

I mean what a say

When I say I love you

Night and day

You don't know who I am

My names not Keaton

Its all been a sham"

I looked at Keaton and then back at the note. He smiled. "Did you enjoy my poem today?"

I laughed. He had no idea what it said. He really wasn't my secret admirer. For how long was he going to lie about this? I was furious.

"Of course, but I would prefer to hear it coming out of your mouth." I told him in a sweet voice and a giggle. "Well when I write them...I write them from my heart so I would have to look at it to remember." He said, meaning her had planned things out for this. He keeps lying to me. Asshole.

I handed him the note. He read it and frowned. I started to walk away angry.

"Lauren wait! I can explain." He shouted.

"What do you have to explain!? You keep lying to me! I forgive you for lying and then you go and lie to me again! Who do you think you are?!" I yelled at him.

I walked away because people were starting to look. I wanted to run home again but I knew I couldn't. I am not going to give him the pleasure to see me like this.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Lauren, are you ok?" I turned to see Camila.

I immediately hugged her. She linker her arm through mine and walked to the benches outside.

Camila's POV

I had done my daily routine during third period when I asked to use the bathroom. When the bell rang, I went to check if she had read it and I saw her walking mad, confused, and just torn.

"Lauren, are you ok?" I said grabbing her shoulder. I suddenly felt her embrace. I linked my arm through hers and took her to the benches outside where there was no one.

"Its ok Lauren just tell me what happened." I told her.

"Well its Keaton again. It turns out he's not my secret admirer so he lied to me about it. That lying pig didn't even have the decency to say the truth! He tried to explain." She wiped a tear. So it was partially my fault for this. I wish I could tell her how I felt but I don't know how she would react.

"You need to stop feeling bad about him. Its his lost if he ruined the opportunity to be with you. Like I've told you before anyone would be lucky to have you." I sighed. If only it could be me, I thought.

"Thanks Camz, I'm lucky to have you. I am so lucky I met you." She smiled. I found it kind of ironic, she could have me but I not her.

I suddenly remembered that Ally was having a sleepover on Friday. I had asked her if I could bring Lauren and she said she had wanted to but wasn't sure if I was feeling up to it.

"Lauren, why don't you forget Keaton? There's going to be sleepover at Ally's house on Friday. Girls night out! What do you say?" I exclaimed. She thought about it.

"Yeah, I would love to. I love hanging out with you guys. Sounds pretty fun."

Lauren's POV

It was Friday afternoon and I was waiting to leave school so I could get ready for the sleepover. I haven't had a sleepover in so long.

I had ignored Keaton all week. Now it was time to enjoy myself and hang out with the girls. I really liked how I had gotten so close to them especially Camila.

When the bell rang I went and met the girls outside.

"Hey y'all ready to come to have some fun?" Ally clapped.

"Yeah, I just have to pick up some stuff from my house and I'll be there at five." I said.

"Me too!" Camila chipped in.

"Well I'm ready, how about you Dinah?" Normani asked. "Yea lets go Dawgs." "Well I guess we'll pick up the snacks and movies and meet y'all at my house." Ally said. "Sounds like a plan." I said as I started walking home with Camila, while the girls went toward Ally's car.

"So is tonight the night?" I asked Camila. "The night for what?" She asked confused. "The night you sing to me, Camz." She laughed. "Just give up Laur, its not going to happen." I frowned. I really wanted to hear her sing.

Camila's POV

We were walking home when she asked me if I would sing for her. I actually did want to sing to her. Not now but later. When I tell her my feelings if I ever do. Right now it didn't seem to be going in a good pace. I kept on writing to her as her secret admirer but I wasn't sure what else to do. I wanted to do something special for her, even more special than those poems I wrote but what?

"Earth to Camila!" I heard her say. We were in front of her house. I guessed I had spaced out. "Sorry." I responded. "Its ok, it took you a while to come back though." She laughed. Her laughed was adorable, it always made me smile. "Anyways lets get my stuff, then we'll go to your house to pick up yours." She instructed. I nodded and we headed inside.

Lauren's POV

After I grabbed my stuff, we walked to Camila's house. This was the first time I would see it since she always came to my house. Her house was really close, just a five minute walk away.

"Mama, I'm home!" She yelled and a lady came from the other room. Why was I feeling nervous, it was just meeting her parents. I've met my others friends parents before and it was easy to talk to them. Why did I feel like this?

"Hola mija. Who's your friend?" She asked. "Hola soy Lauren." Camila looked at me weird. I realized I had responded in Spanish without meaning to. Her mom laughed. She had the same personality as Camila.

"Hablas español?" She asked me. "Si." I responded. Camila looked at me weird again. I guess I forgot to tell her I spoke Spanish. She grabbed my hand and started leading me to her room. "We'll be in my room."

Camila's room was full of posters. Mostly of one direction and Ed Sheeran. She grabbed some stuff and had a bag ready to go. She looked at the clock. "We still have an hour before we have to be at Ally's house. Want to just hang here for a while?"

"Sure." She grabbed her laptop. I leaned in an she had signed in to tumblr. "You have a tumblr?" I couldn't help but ask. "Yea, she responded shyly. "You should follow me." I told her.

Her eyes got wide. "You have a tumblr." She asked. "Yeah, why does it suprise you?" "Well you don't seem like the type to spend time on tumblr but go to parties and stuff." She admitted. I laughed. "Well can't I do both?" She nodded.

We talked for a while then at ten minutes before five we started to walk to Ally's for the sleepover.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment what you thing they should do at this sleepover cause I seriously have no idea and what you think of the poems because I have no idea if there any good. There will be a new chapter soon. Don't forget to vote. -S

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