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Camila POV

When we left Lauren, I got into Ally's car. "Do you want to talk about it Mila?" I felt like crying again. "I don't know what got into me. I wanted to just tell her how I feel but I don't want to lose her friendship" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"What if I told you I had an idea on how to do it, without her even knowing." I looked up at her. "How?" I asked her wondering what it could possibly be. "I'll tell you as soon as we get to my house." She said.

"But Allycat why not know? Please! tell me and I'll love you forever and ever." I pleaded.

"No. I won't tell you. Plus, you love me forever and ever already." she laughed.

"Fine then. Ally, I love you and all but you know I'm not the patient type. "

"You'll just have to wait"

Lauren's POV

It was finally Friday. TGIF much?Today was my date with Keaton! I am super excited and nervous. We would talk and laugh for so long during lunch and even more when he send me those text. We have such a good time that its too good to be true. But he still hasn't told me it was him but I was one hundred percent sure it was.

I was going to ask him tonight.

After third period I went to check my locker hoping there was going to be a note. There had been one yesterday too. They always expressed how he felt so beautifully. Today it was a poem, unlike yesterday which was a letter.

"Beauty within

Beauty without

You are my sin

Since this love won't come about

I look at you and think

These feelings can't be true

These feelings about you

You make my day

If only i could say

How i feel about you

You make my heart sway

You take my breathe away

When you wear your hair that way

And wear your beanie thats grey"

I always looked foward to these notes. They always made me feel better even though they were from a complete stranger. This person seems to know better than anyone else. He makes me feel special and wanted.

Smiling to myself, I headed towards the cafeteria.


Sorry its such a short chapter but I really like ending it like that. Next chapter will probably Lauren's date. I keep writing poetry and I don't know if you guys like it so comment what you think about them and if I should continue writing them. Don't forget to vote. -S

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