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Lauren's POV

As the bell rang to dismiss us from our last class, I was glad my first day was finally over. Well not exactly. Thanks to my new favorite teacher I had detention. Today hadn't been the greatest day but I had liked the rest of my teachers. I didn't make new friends. But that didn't stop them from staring at me or talk about the new girl. I ate lunch by myself. Hopefully that would change over time.

As i stood in front of detention room, I noticed that there wasn't many people. "Of course I would be one of the few to get in trouble on the first day." I mumbled.

I walked in and sat in the empty table putting my head down, I knew the others were already talking about me. "Isn't that the new girl?" I heard someone say. I looked up and glared at some blond chick.

"Being the new girl and glaring at others won't help you make new friends here." I looked up and saw a small girl with brown eyes and a beautiful smile on her face. Then, she returned her attention to her phone.

"I'm Camila by the way. You must be Lauren.." She smirked.

"Jauregui. Does everyone know my name?" I couldn't believe this school spread gossip faster than One Direction tickets.

"Sort of, there hasn't been much happen here in a while and so you're the talk of the school. So where are you from?"

"I just moved here from Miami."

"Really?" She said as her eyes widened. "Me too, I moved here during sixth grade."

"Well isn't this a small world." I said, we both laughed.

"Have you made any new friends yet?" she asked me with eyes of curiosity.

"Not really" I said kinda embarassed.

"Well you just did." She said with a smile.

As she said that the vice principal walked in. Detention was about to officially start. For the first time today I finally thought that going to a public school wouldn't be so bad.


Hello!! Hope you like that chapter!! My friend and I are new at this. Please vote and comment!

By the way I'm Pato_101 (:

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