Captain Vero

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Lauren's POV

L: Oh My God! Yes! Can't wait!

V: Well I have to go. Talk to you later

L: K.Bye

I couldn't believe it. One of my best friends was coming to visit. I was so happy.

Camila's POV

I'm bored out of my mind. I want to see Lauren. I know she was disappointed that I didn't tell her who I like. She probably thinks I don't trust her. Which was the complete opposite of what I wanted. I wanted to tell her everything, without losing her.

Lauren's POV

It was the last day of school. I have been so paranoid lately. Every girl Camila talks to I think could be her crush and I don't like it. I'm not sure why I have this feeling, I just do. It's creeping me out. I really can't see Camila with any of them. She deserves someone better than any of them. She deserves someone that can protect her, and make her happy.

"Lauren, you ready to go home?" Camila asked as I close my locker.

"Yeah, can't wait it's finally winter break! We are going to have aiming fun!" I said exitedly. "But now you won't get a letter from your secret admirer." She commented. I was really going to miss those. They would arrive without fail, everyday. "Yeah, but I could always text him." She smiled and stared off.

"So, you said your friend from Miami is coming right? Do I get to meet her?" She asked suddenly.

"Of course Camz, I'd love for you two to meet. How about when she comes all three of us hang out together. You will love her, I promise."

"Sounds like a plan." This week can't get any better. My two best friends together!

Camila's POV

It's Sunday and today I get to hang out with Lauren and her friend, Veronica. I don't know much about her but she must be cool if Lauren hangs out with her. She kept talking about her and their memories together. I walked over to Lauren's house and knock on the door. A brown hair girl with braces opened the door.

"Hey you must be Camila, I'm Veronica but you can call me Vero. I've heard so much about you." She said. This girl talks fast. Wait!. Oh my God! Lauren talks about me?!

"Same." I replied even though I knew nothing about her. Wait had she done the same thing to me when she said that?

"I see you two have introduced each other." Lauren said as she came down the stairs with a smile on her face. "Yeah. We have since someone takes forever to get ready." Vero commented with a laugh.

"Lauren you never told me your friends were all really cute." She said with a wink. Wait was she flirting with me? Is she what I think she is? What?

"Is that supposed to be a complement for Camila or for you?" Lauren frowned kind of pissed off. Did I miss something? Lauren looked mad. I could bet anything I want she was going to turn green in a few minutes.

"Oh you know me so well, Lauren." She smirked. She then grabbed my hand. "Lets go upstairs!" She yelled pulling me towards the stairs.

What just happened? I asked myself as I was dragged upstairs by the browned hair girl.

Lauren's POV

I kept getting that feeling again as I watched Camila and Vero talk. Don't get me wrong I was glad that my two best friends were getting along but I kept getting that feeling. Plus I could swear Vero was flirting with her the whole time. Why did I keep feeling like this? I totally lost it when Camila arrived. All I saw was red.

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