Hard day

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Lauren's POV

It was Sunday and I had nothing to do. I had spend my Saturday with Camila and now I was bored. I was going to clean the house when I saw I had a text.

A: Hey

L: Hi

A: How's it going, missed my text?

L: Of course, you always have to best text. Why did you stop texting me?

A: Found out about your date. Felt jealous and decided that you wouldn't like me but then I thought that I won't give up.

L: Well you don't have to be jealous.

A: Promise?

L: Of course, things didn't work out

A: I'm sorry, he must be a jerk and an idiot for ruining his chance to be with you

L: well aren't you sweet.

A: I try ;)

L: When are you going to tell me who you are?

A: When I know you love me

L: How am I supposed to love you when I don't even know who you are?

A: because you'll fall for my personality not looks

L: are you telling me you're ugly?

A: not necessarily, why will you stop talking to me if I tell you I'm ugly

L: no, looks don't matter and I bet you're beautiful like your personality

A: well when the day comes you'll see

L: and the day hopefully comes soon

A: for that you just have to fall for me fast

L: I can't control my feelings

A: neither can I and that's why we're in this situation

L: Just tell me who you are, I won't judge

A:You say that now but I'm still afraid

L: afraid of what?

A: rejection and losing you

L: I promise you won't lose me

A: we'll see...

Then I heard a know on my door. "Lauren, we're going to get ice cream. Want to come." I heard my dad say behind the door. "Yeah dad just give me a second to get ready." I said. "Ok. We'll be waiting downstairs."

L: Well I'm going to get ice cream

A: Have fun

With that I went got dressed and went downstairs.

Camila's POV

I layer in my bed thinking of everything that had happened yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life. I really wanted to talk to Lauren today but I didn't want to push things. I know what I'll do.

Lauren's POV

It was Monday and I was leaving my house walking towards Camila, who was waiting outside for me. I really hadn't been looking forward to this.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah, well kind of." I said. I was really dreading having to meet Keaton first period.

"It'll be ok. Just don't think much about it." I glared at her.

"How am I supposed to just forget." She looked upset. Regretting what she had just said.

"Look, I'm sorry Camz but it's just hard for me."

She then got a insecure look. "Well we could ditch."

I looked at her shocked. Camila didn't seem like the kind of girl that would ditch. "What? Sorry I guess it was a bad idea but it was just a thought." She looked down shyly.

I thought about it. Ditching school didn't seem like a bad idea. "No it wasn't its just that its barely my second week at this school and.."

She cut me off. "Its ok, you don't have to explain." I sighed.

"You don't seem like the type to cut school." She smiled at me.

"You shouldn't judge by appearances." I laughed.

"I didn't judge by appearance, I judged it by personality."

"So you don't think I would ditch." She asked innocently.

"No you seem more like the good girl type." She smirked.

"Well I guess you have a lot more to learn about me Lolo." She winked.

Camila's POV

She was completely right. I wasn't the type of person to skip school but with her, I would do it. If it meant I got to spend the whole day with her. We arrived at school and I really didn't want to let her go to her first period.

"Do you want me to walk you to your class?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I could you please." She grabbed my hand. I could feel her shaking.

"We could still ditch." She laughed. We were right in front of the door.

"Well it's too late now. I think Mrs. Gertrude already saw me. Plus she's glaring at me." I laughed.

"She's just jealous since you're perfect." I couldn't help slip out. Thank God she smiled and didn't think I was weird or worst found out I liked her.

"Thanks. You're really helping me a lot." She said with a smile, and I felt butterflies.

"No problem, I better go to class." I said, letting go of her hand. I really didn't want to leave her there.I saw her sigh and go into her classroom. Then I ran to my first period before the bell rang.

Time went by slow, during first and second period. I couldn't concentrate, I wanted third to finish so I can go and check on Lauren. "Camila Cabello." I heard my name be called. I looked up and my teacher was glaring at me. The class was empty meaning I had fallen asleep. "I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again." I said. "It better not or next time it's detention." He said.

"Thanks Mr. Garcia. You're the best teacher." I wasn't really lying. He was one of the best teachers at this school.

I packed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. As soon as I was out of his sight, I ran to Lauren's locker. I stopped as I saw Lauren and Keaton standing right next to each other and talking. I was about to say something, until I saw them kiss.


Hey guys! Enjoy the chapter! Keaton and Lauren are back together....??? Lol vote and comment! Feedback is very much welcomed. -P

What could have happened? Comment what you think. -S

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