Who knew

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Lauren's POV

Today was the first day of my new school. I used to go to a school in Miami but then my dad had to transfer jobs and we moved to LA. Now, I really have to hurry up or I'm going to be late. As i walk up to the school people are already looking at me. Great just what I wanted.Im happy the office was an easy find. I go up to the secretary. Hopefully she's as nice as she looks.

-"Hi i'm Lauren Jauregui and I'm here to pick up my classes.

- Sure sweetie here you go. Hope you enjoy your first school day.

-Thank you"

I take a look at my schedule and groaned.My first class was AP physics Ms..Gertude. As I make my way to first period, I take in what would be my hell hole for the next year. I went from one of the most prestigious schools in the country to this. I had worked so hard to attend my last school and now I'm stuck going to public school. The bell rang. Shit I'm late. I start running and i opened the door.

-Nice of you to join us. I don't tolerate tardiness.. What's your name?

-Lauren Jauregui and today is my first day...mam

-Well Ms. Jauregui, if you'd be so kind to take a seat. Don't make this a habit.

Damn well that was akward. As i sat down i realized i was sitting next to this really really cute guy. Damn cute is an understatement. He had short brown hair and a bit tanned. I realized too late that I was kinda staring at him. He turned around and smiled.



-Its ok. She's really one of the meanest teachers at this school.

- Yea i'm not worried at my old school there were some teachers way worst then her. I'm Lauren by the way, whats your na..." Suddenly I was cut off by a unpleasant voice.

-Ms. Jauregui!! Talking in class is not acceptable here. I will not stand for talking during my lesson. You have detention after school!

-But Ms. Ger....

-No buts!

This day couldn't get any worse can't it?


Thx for reading

This is the first fanfic ive written with my friend and chapter two will be up soon

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