The real anon

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Camila's POV

We were in the bathroom and Normani had gotten Ally and Dinah to come too.

"Come on Camila, it'll be ok. Maybe Keaton kissed her without her permission." Ally said trying to comfort me.

"Thanks Ally but she didn't seem to not want to since she could of moved away from him. I guess I got my hopes up thinking we could be together." I told them.

"Mila it's ok, you couldn't help it." Normani commented.

"Yeah dawg, the heart wants, what it wants." I heard Dinah say.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up. You guys are the best." I told them.

"So are you ok now Mila?" Ally asked. "Yeah, I think I could stand Lauren being with Keaton. As long as we could stay friends. Thats as much as I can hope for."

"Thats the spirit Mila." Normani encouraged. "Hey dawgs, I'm starving. How about we get lunch?" Dinah added. "Yeah, I could use some food to cheer me up." I chipped in. With that we started to walk to the cafeteria.

At the cafeteria, I looked for Lauren but couldn't find her. I wanted to ask her what had happened. I looked around and saw Keaton but Lauren wasn't with him. Where could she be?

Lauren's POV

As soon as Keaton pulled back from the kiss, I ran away. I ran all the way home not knowing why but I was so confused. I knew Keaton had hurt me but he was really a sweet guy if he was my secret admirer. Why did this have to be so confusing? I started to cry. Life used to be way easier before I moved here.

I layed in bed for I don't know how long thinking. Then I remembered school. Shit! I had ditched my last classes. I hadn't even told Camila. I had left we to walk home alone and probably hurt her feeling since I ditched without her.

I grabbed my phone, about to text her when I notice I had a text and a missed call both from Camila.

C: Where are you?

I left her worried. I had to text her. I looked at the time and she was probably walking home by now.

L: sorry im at home. I wasnt feeling well.

C: do you need me to come over?

L: yeah could you?

C: I'll be there in five

L: ok

I heard my stomach growl and realized I didn't eat lunch. I went downstairs and made myself and Camila a sandwich.

I heard the doorbell rang and I went opened it for Camila.

"Hey" I said as I opened the door.

"Have you been crying?" She asked me. I had forgotten to wash my face.

"Yeah." I admitted.

"What happened?" She asked. stepping inside.

"I'll tell you as we eat cause I'm starving." I said, walking to the kitchen and start eating my sandwich.

"So what happened?" She asked me, biting into her sandwich. I didn't know how to start. I sighed and began.

"Well I got into class and tried to ignore him. He said he wanted to apologizes, so I decided to listen to him. So after third we talked and I forgave him and told him we could be friends. He said he wanted to be more than that and he would tell me a secret. Then he told me he was my secret admirer and kissed me.

She looked at me shocked. "What he isn't your secret admirer. I am positive. I mean he's such a jerk."

She said this with sure confidence.

"What do you mean? Do you know who it is?" She became nervous.

"No I mean its not possible, your secret admirer is sweet while he's not." She said as if stating the obvious..

"That's why I'm so confused." I groaned.

"Lauren, I think you should do what your heart tells you to do." What did my heart tell me to do?

"I guess but I don't know what my heart is telling me." I told her.

"Well talk to Keaton and speak from the heart and it'll tell you what you should do." She told me.

"I guess. Thanks for helping me." I told her. Camila was always there for me.

"No problem babe, so when are you taking me on my second date?" She said then realized something.

"Wait no! Never mind." I was trying so hard not to laugh.

Camila's POV

At lunch I had called Lauren and sent her a text. Where was she? I was getting worried. Once school got out I looked for her and couldn't find her. When I received her text I was so relieved. I walked to her house as fast as I could. I needed to know what happened with Keaton.

I rang her doorbell and waited for her to answer. "Hey." She said. I looked at her, her eyes were red and her hair was a mess. "Have you been crying?" I couldn't help but ask. "Yeah." She said shyly. "What happened?" I asked her, going inside her house. "I'll tell you as we eat cause I'm starving." Food! Wait no focus Camila. We went into the kitchen and I asked her again. She sighed and told me what happened.

"What he isn't your secret admirer." I said out loud as she told me. It wasn't possible.. "What do you mean, do you know who it is?" I knew who it was. It was actually me but I couldn't tell her that. What am I supposed to do? I couldn't tell her but I couldn't let Keaton say he was. "No I mean its not possible, your secret admirer is sweet while he's not. I decided to say.

"That's why I'm so confused." She told me. I knew how she felt. Confused at not knowing what to do about her feelings. I told her to follow her heart. I really wanted Lauren to be happy and I was hoping she wouldn't go back to Keaton. "I guess. Thanks for helping me." Was what she told me.

I decided to lightened the mood. "No problem babe, so when are you taking me on my second date?" I said. Then I realized no, if we did I would have to sing. "Wait no! Never mind." I said quickly. She laughed at me. "Come on, you're going to have to sing to me sometime." She said with a wink. "Never!" I yelled and laughed.

I knew these moments were the best and I didn't want it to end. I had to make it clear to Lauren that Keaton wasn't her secret admirer without telling her it was me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do yet but I needed to do something?

Lauren's POV

Camila left and I was alone to think again. I didn't know what I was gonna say but I guess I'll listen to Camila and say what I feel at the moment. I hope I'm able to open my heart and find out what I wanted to say. I fell asleep thinking that night.

I walked up to Keaton before school started.. "We need to talk," I said. "Well you see," I started. "We"ll talk after third." I said wimping out. We walked to class without saying a word.

During first, second, and third, I thought about what I could possibly say. When the bell rang, I went to my locker. "So Lauren you wanted to talk?" Keaton asked walking up to me. "Yea, one second let me just put my book away." I said. I opened my locker and a note fell out.

I looked at it and was shocked to see what it read.


Sorry it took a while to upload. There well be another chapter up this weekend. Please comment what you think and vote. -S

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