A Better day

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Lauren's POV

I woke the next morning not thinking going to school will be so bad. I had made a new friend which made me happy. As I looked at the clock I realized that I only had twenty minutes before Camila would be coming to my house, so we could go to school.

"Do you want a ride to school?" My mom asked as I went downstairs.

"No thank, Mamá. I'm walking to school with a friend." I told her quickly.

"What new friend? When did you make this new friend? Why didn't you tell us about this friend? Is it a guy or a girl?" She rushed. I love my mom but sometimes she gets so...annoying.

"Mom!! I'll Tell you when I come back from school. Bye. I love you!!!" I shouted as I gave her a kiss and ran out the door before she could say anything. As I walked outside I saw Camila waiting for me with a smile on her face. She was quick.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey Lolo" she said? What the heck? Did I miss something?

"Lolo? Where did that name come from?" I frowned.

"Oh, nothing just something I came up with." She blushed. Well who knew she was shy?

"Its ok. But I'll call you Camz." I told her which made a smile come across her face.

When we arrived at school, Camila headed towards a group of girls. They all seemed gorgeous.

"Come so I can introduce you." She grabbed my hand and pulled me forward.

"Lauren, this is Ally, Normani, and Dinah. Guys, This is Lauren and she's a.....umm what are you Lauren?. I looked at the group of girls. They all smiled but the shortest one seemed the most excited.

"I'm a junior. Nice to meet you." I slightly smiled. I'm sort of awkward with new people if you didn't notice.

"Nice to meet you, Lauren" Ally said and shook my hand. Then the bell rang and it was time to go to first period.

"Lets get to class y'all." Ally said. We all laughed and headed our separate ways. She had a cute accent. Turned out Normani was in my first period. I was really happy until I remembered I had Mrs. Gertrude. She's such a pain. I sat down and I noticed the boy I had talked to yesterday was looking at me. My stomach was flipping and I smiled at him. how could someone be so darn cute.

"Keaton" he grinned.

"What?" Ok that was not what I expected.

"You were going to ask me my name, yesterday. Its Keaton."

Oh." I said starting to blush. I'm such an idiot.

"Ms.Jauregui." Damn! Really?! I thought, someone must really hate me.

. "Did you not learn anything from detention yesterday?" She growled. She GROWLED. She has some issues. Probably needs a husband. Poor him.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise." I said. Thankfully the old grump didn't give me detention. I looked down at my book and she started talking about something else. Class went pretty fast after that but I couldn't talk to Keaton because everytime I tried, I felt Mrs. Gertrude staring at me.

As I left class, I felt a hand grab pull me back turned and it was Keaton.

"I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me?" he asked with that cute smile of his. How did I get so lucky?

" I'll take that smile as a yes." He grinned.

OMG! I did not realize I was smiling like an idiot.

"Sure. That'll be great!" I said trying to sound cool

"Great. I'll be seeing you later." He winked. I blushed and started walking to my second period.

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