Chapter 45 - That's What Friends Are For

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Liam POV

"Earth to Liam"


"I asked if you were still going to meet the heads of each supernatural today" Vic announced to me.

"What's wrong with you? You have been spaced out all day" a concern Aaron questioned.

"Omg look at his neck it's a mate mark" Onika noted. I tried to cover it but that didn't seem to work I guess.

"And you didn't tell me??" Mya expressed surprisingly. The others looked at her crazy.

"Sorry. And you didn't tell us" She shouted as everyone in the cafeteria looked around at our table.

"Lower your damn voice. I was going to but I didn't have the time" I responded with a giggle.

"Anyways back to the mission at hand. Are you?" Vic cut off Mya from what she was going to say.

"I spoke with my Dad and the Vampires are in. We must help one of our own." Aaron smiled.

"The Fairies are in too. My mom made sure of it" Onika replied

"And the others?" I asked looking at Tanya and Levi.

"My family is not cracking. You should come to speak to them directly. That's the only way I can see it happening." Tanya stated.

"I tried to plead with my dads but they will only consider it if you came forth and presented your case," Levi answered with a weak smile.

"I can visit both this evening after school no worries," I told them both.

"No, back to you being mated and not telling me bit-" Before she was able to finish the bell rung. I got up and headed to class speed walking.

"We have class together right now you idiot" Mya yelled from the table while the others laughed.

After our Saturday night... I spent the rest of the weekend with the triplets. We got to make up on the time that was lost if you know what I mean.

I got to class and stood behind Nathan.

"What's wrong?" He turned around to look at me.

"Someone's after me," I said worried my life was going to be over.

"Who," He asked as he stood up and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Her" I replied as I pointed at the beast strolling in the room.

"Ohhh, you're on your own babe" He responded while pushing toward her.

"You going to feed me to the lioness?? I thought we were in this together." I pouted giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Liam Ryan Scott get back here" The furious animal declared as she stocked to me. Why did she have to say my government name out loud though?

"Mya to your seat please" Mr. Moon voiced as he walked into the room. And yet again I was saved from the terror of Mya Smith.

Was I being a little dramatic right now? Yes. Is Mya going to kill me for not spilling the news? Maybe. Am I the happiest I have ever been? Yes. So it's a win-win situation.

Mr. Moon gave us a little pop quiz to "Keep our brains functioning even though exams are over" in his words.

"Weeks ago we couldn't fathom the thought of working together. Now, look at us having to do it for the rest of our lives. Life is something" Nathan expressed as he glimpsed up from his paper to look at me.

"Why would they put me through this pain and torture? I haven't done anything wrong" I sighed.

"You love it here no matter what you say" He announced while pulling me into a hug and kissing me all over my face.

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