Chapter 29 - The Boy Is Mine

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Dethan POV

Thank the Goddess this meeting is over and we can finally go home. We were in here for over 4+ hour discussing everything under the sun. I'm really gonna have to sit in these meetings for 40+ years when me and my brothers take over. I was so tired when we got in the car that I fell asleep seconds later.

As I'm asleep I woke up on an island which seemed to be deserted. As I look around I saw three persons who appear to be searching for something.

"It's somewhere around here Strom" one boy said.

"Then where is it Spirit" this one look to be the eldest.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's lying" the younger one responded

"Starstruck just hush and keep looking we will find it"

Strom, Spirit and Starstruck these names sound so familiar to me. Oh shit they're the Ancients. But why am I having a dream about them and what are they looking for.

"We need to find this now. This sword is a vital part to stopping the underworld. We must find it." Strom urged the others as he walks around everywhere.

"Strom we need to head back now it's almost nightfall" Spirit informed him.

"No we can't stop"

"Only a descendant of Poseidon can open the gateway to the City of Atlantis and the only one right now is Spirit. So the sword is safe until he opens it with his blood. We can find the entrance another time." Strom stopped to think about what Starstruck just said and finally gave up.

"Ahh fine let's go" Strom replied.

"The time is now" Spirit mouthed looking directly at me.

Why were they looking for a sword to destroy the underworld?? Were they at war?? Is the underworld that dangerous that the Ancients would need to step in? And why did Spirit look right at me when he spoke that line. I have so many questions that I need answers to.

"Dethan wake up we're home" My dad shouted waking me up.

I got out of the car and walked into the house. When I got inside Ethan was sitting at the bottom of the stairs with a angry look on his face and Nathan was leaning against the wall. Here we go again.

"What now Ethan?" I asked rolling my eyes. I think Liam is rubbing off on me too much.

"So you really weren't gonna tell us you and Liam were boyfriends"

"Again it was nun of y'all business" I said pointing at them both

"Hey, I didn't want to know and I don't really care" Nathan declared while putting his hands in the air and smirking.

Why does Ethan even care it's not like he shows any sign of liking Liam. He haven't even been nice to him since he got here.

"He is my business he's my mate dumbass. You decided to make our mate your boyfriend without even asking us if it's okay. Don't you see the problem here?" Ethan furiously added as he got up from the stairs and took a step to me.

"He doesn't even know we're his mates. To him we're just normal alphas, normal werewolves, normal boys. Until he knows I don't have to ask y'all nothing." I responded back with anger in my eyes. Like sir The Boy Is Mine.

At that point Dad came in from outside and Mom walked from the kitchen. He say us within each other's faces fuming. He asked Nathan what was the problem but all he did was smirk and told him too ask us. He flipped Nathan off and separated both of us.

"What the hell is wrong with you both? The entire day y'all have been at each other's throat and nagging." Dad remarked.

"He's dating my mate"

"Why would you do that Dethan you know how possessive a wolf is about their mate." My mom explained like I don't already know this. Me and Nathan almost fought for this same reason.

"Ohh yeah, y'all don't know" Nathan laughed

"Know what?" Dad questioned confused.

"Liam is our mate"

"What?? When did y'all find this out??"

'Last week" Ethan replied

"And no one decided to tell us" Mom added looking at all three of us.

"We were going to tell you both the day I came home late but the plan changed." Nathan informed them.

"This is a big deal. This have never happened before. I have another meeting with Anderson right now when I get back we're gonna discuss this including you Nathan. Now both of you chill out." Dad stated pointing at me and Ethan then walked out the front door.

I bumped Ethan as I went to my room. I can't stay in this house right now cause Ethan and I might get into it again. Let me see if Liam is home maybe I can go over there. I messaged him and he said I can so I walked over to his house and pressed the bell. He opened the door in a sweatpants with no shirt, I looked him up and down damn he is so fine omg. Is he trying to seduce me??

He let me in and we walked to his room. He went over to his bed and sat down. This is the first time I'm in here but it's not gonna be my last if you know what I mean.

"Do you want to read the journal since we didn't get to it the other day?" He asked but his body had me hypnotize I couldn't pay attention. I'm acting like a 12 year old who have never seen someone shirtless before.

"I'm sorry what did you say??" I asked him licking my lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned then he looked down and realized he doesn't have on a shirt. He was blushing while running into his closet to find a shirt. I laughed as he came back out with his hands covering his face.

"Now back to what I said before. Do you want to read the journal?"

"Yea sure" I voiced as I walked over to his bed and sat down.

He opened the book and search for the page he was last on. As we are reading we came across something that catches my eyes. It says

"Without The Flaming Sword of Aries, The Trident of Poseidon and The Lightning Sword of Zeus the Underworld can never be defeated"

The Trident of Poseidon was the sword the Ancients were looking for in my dream. That's why Strom wanted to find it so badly. They needed it to conquer the underworld.


"Yes what is it?" I showed him the section i just read.

"This evening while I was asleep in my dad's car I had this dream about the Trident of Poseidon" I expressed

"But how??" He asked confused while looking at me.

"I don't know. One minute I was asleep and the next I was in a dream with the Ancients when they were around our age searching for that same sword." I responded.

"No way. I be having dreams about the Ancients and Sky too but they're a lot older." He announced.

"What does this even mean. Now how are we be able to see memories from many years ago. This is so strange."

"I don't know what it is but all I know we're in for a rough ride." He muttered while looking at the book again.

What do y'all think is going to happen next? I would love to hear💚


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