Chapter 22 - Lose To Win

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Liam POV

I woke up at the front of a house and it looks really familiar. It's the house I found in my dreams last week. So I must be asleep still. As I walk into the house I could hear voices in the other room the same voices from before. This must have been before they left. I got into the room and saw the four men again.

"As we speak now the Underworld are gaining in numbers to build their army. They are being to powerful for only four of us to handle." Storm announced to the others.

"So what should we do?" Spirit asked

"Maybe we could ask the others for help" Sky commented

"No. We can't bring them into this not right now" Storm responded while walking up and down the room

"So what do you expect us to do. Our powers could only carry us so far. We need help." Starstruck added on standing over in the corner.

"I said no. Bringing the other supernaturals into this with little to no information is not a good idea."

"But Storm they already know the power and ruthlessness the underworld holds."

"Not this type of power. I will find another way. Even if we have to lose this battle to win the war" Storm insisted then went out of the room.

"I don't like that we're sitting back and doing nothing. We must do something" now it was Starstruck time to pace around the room.

"Storm know what's best for us and everyone. We just need to trust him" Spirit mentioned

"When the time comes we will know exactly what to do" Sky replied while looking directly into my eyes.

I was finally back to reality as I woke up in my bed. But why do I been having these dreams lately. Plus they're about the 3 ancients and the Great White Wolf is this suppose to be a message of some sort. I got up and took a look at my alarm shit I'm late. I rush into the shower and bathe as quickly as I can. Why didn't Mom or Emila wake me up. I got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Why didn't you wake me Mom" I asked my mom while in the kitchen stuffing my face.

"You looked so exhausted I didn't want to wake you. Eat some breakfast and get going the other already left."

"Okay bye see you later" I walked out the house got in my car and drove to school

I got to the school's parking lot with at least 4 mins to spear. I can get to my locker and over to class on time if I move fast enough. I got the books I needed for the next 3 periods and I took off to class. As I'm a few feet away the bell rings. Damnnn I did all of this for nothing.

"Almost made it Liam go on and have a seat." Mr Johnson laughed. I walked pass my friends who had smirks on their faces and took my seat next to #him.

"Good Morning class let's continue from where we left off yesterday. Write the notes from the board and I will teach once everyone's finish." He announced

I retrieved my book and pen from my bag then got to doing what Mr Johnson said.

"Why we're you late" Ethan asked as he was writing the notes.

"Why are you invested in my business?" I asked

"I just asked damn"

"I overslept that's why" why did I have this feeling like if telling him the true would be amazing. I don't like this

"Ohh the pack meeting seems like it had you exhausted"

"It really did. Way to much greeting at once"

"Try being a soon to be Alpha now that's exhausted"

"Yea you can keep that job" are Ethan and I actually having a civil conversation oh wow this is shocking. Is everything okay with him??

After that we continued to write the notes in silence until we were finished and Mr Johnson was ready to teach. As he's half way between the bell rings for next class. I said bye to my friends and made my way to Vampire Studies. I meet Aaron at the top of the stairs then we walked to class together.

"How was the first pack meeting?" Aaron asked as we got into the classroom.

"How do you know about that you're not even a werewolf."

"The school is filled with mostly werewolves sopeople be talking." He said while we took our seats

"Ohh that's understandable and it was exhausting. Meeting hundreds of people while running on 8 hours of sleeping is not it." I sighed

"Well I'm use to it by now since my father is the Highlord of our coven"

"So you're like Royalty wow" I snap my head around after I said

"Not quite but kinda"

"That's so cool" I cheered then the bell rings as Mrs Redneck walks in

"Yhh sometimes"

We got down to work when Mrs Redneck began the class.



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