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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today I was currently at the Freeman's home, Huey having the news on as we were basically laid up with me switching between watching the news and looking at my phone.

"And so we are raising the terror level to intense orange/red" the guy said, just as there was a knock on the door, Huey getting up to answer.

"Terrorists have my daddy" it was obviously Jazmin at the door, the girl crying about her dad dying or whatever.

"Calm down Jazmin, just because he's late from work doesn't mean terrorists have him" Huey said, the house phone now ringing, Riley being the one to answer.

"Wassup? What's the emergency?" Riley asked before laughing "don't drop the soap" the boy said, confusing me as Huey took the phone from his brother.

"Hold on, Grandad do people get r*ped in holding?!" Huey yelled 'the hell is going on?'.

Basically Tom was being accused of a crime that he didn't do, now leading to us having to find out who the killer was.

Now even though I really don't like Jazmin, Tom is a pretty cool dude so me helping with this thing was in no way a favor to her.

Now we were at the Wuncler home, needing Ed's help since he had the firepower.

"Let's go" "where we going?" I ask "oh we gone need to get my man" Ed said as we all left out to his car, me and Huey in the backseat, a few guns surprisingly being hidden under the seats.

Anyways once we made it to Ed's friend's home, we had gotten out, the house pretty nice if you ask me.

"Oh snap, Ed Wuncler the third" "Gin Remmy" the two say, giving each other a small hug as we walked in.

"*whisper* they sure do look alike" I say to Huey as we walk into the kitchen, Gin making himself some eggs as we explained the situation.

"Sounds like you got yourself a fugitive of Justice" the man said "look we have exactly 4 hours and 45 minutes to find the Xbox killer, can you do this?" Huey asked, Gin going on a small tangent on how he doesn't give a fuck.

"Y'all sure you don't want no breakfast?" He asked us "you got bagels and cream cheese?" I asked with my brow raised.

"Hell yeah I do, I'll get that for you princess" the man smiled, Riley and Huey looking at me deadpanned.

"What? I didnt eat yet" I shrugged, Ed also asking for some breakfast.

Eventually we were now ready and Gin gave me a Glock, me and Riley playing around a little before calming down.

"What did y'all do in Iraq?" I asked "we was looking for weapons of mass destruction" Gin explained, Ed talking about some dumb shit.

"Well no we ain't find em, but I always say "the absence of evidence, is not the evidence of absence"" Gin said, the three of us confused.

"Nigga are you talking about a hypothesis?" I asked "the fuck is a hypothesis?" "A well thought out guess that may or may not be wrong or right" I say simply, Gin sitting there for a second.

"Yeah whatever the fuck you just said, that's what I meant" 'white people are so dumb'.

Eventually we were at the apartment building where the Xbox murder happened, Ed and Gin going around harassing people while me and Huey asked around, instantly getting our answer and description of the killer.

"Ain't nobody seen nothing" Ed said as we got into the car "man we've been knowing for twenty minutes, guys name is Terrel Jackson" Huey explained.

"How you find this out?" "We talked to people" I say, Huey giving out the directions to the guys home, Ed taking a different turn.

"Bro we was supposed to go right" I say, the two now talking about going to the mini mart for some drinks, me and Huey frustrated.

Once we pulled up to the gas station, we had all walked in with me grabbing a soda.

"Ay watch my back, I got the front" Ed said to Gin, the man looking at me and the boys as well, confusing us a bit.

"He's got a weapon" Ed said, obviously lying as him and Gin held their guns at the cashier, somehow convincing a cop that he had one just as some dudes came out shooting at us, me and the boys running to hide behind one of the isles.

"Man shoot Nigga, don't just sit there" Riley said, shooting his gun as me and Huey looked at each other before some dude came up on us, making me instantly shoot my gun at him, the bullet hitting his stomach.

"Oh shit" I say wide eyed as the police showed up, Huey making me and Riley put down our guns as we walked out with Ed and Gin, all of us leaving scot free surprisingly.

"I'm not hanging out with anymore white people" I exclaimed "don't gotta worry about me" Huey said, grabbing my hand as we decided to just walk away from all of this, Riley to busy with being on live, talking about how he just shot the dudes.

"That boy in the sunken place" I say, shaking my head "been telling him that since I could talk" Huey stated, the both of us now joking around as we walked home.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 913

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