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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today was Friday and it was game day for volleyball so we had to wear our jerseys.

Also Jazmin had joined the team or whatever, which didn't matter to me cause I was captain of the team and so was Cindy.

"You ready for the game bae?" She asked me "yeah, I mean with the way football plays, we our schools only hope" I joked as we walked into the cafeteria, seeing Huey and Riley in line.

"Hey y'all, you coming to the volleyball game?" I asked, me and Cindy obviously cutting in line.

"We always do" Huey stated "Ay it never hurts to ask" I shrugged before we grabbed our trays, grabbing whatever we liked for lunch before heading over to a table.

"Ay yo brothers coming right?" Riley asked me "yeah why?" "Just asking, apparently those dudes known here or whatever" the boy mentioned as I shrugged, not really paying attention to the whole "high school legends" thing.

"Anyways I heard y'all two going on a date, what's that about?" Cindy smirked, but just before me or Huey could answer, someone had cut us off.

"Who's going on a date?" Jazmin asked, sitting down at our table along with some of her friends, all of them white girls.

"Me and Huey" I spoke up, the girl looking almost disgusted by the idea.

"You and Huey are going on a date? Is this true?" She asked, turning to our innocent Huey who was simply just eating.

"Yeah it's true, and chill out on Y/n, just cause you mad don't mean nun" Huey said, shocking us a bit.

"Don't speak to Jazmin like that, you should be thankful that she likes you" one of the white girls said.

"Bitch don't try to get rowdy now" I say "and what if I do?" "Hold on now white girl, don't get started on my friend" Cindy said, all of us standing up, obviously causing a bit of a scene.

"Ay Huey hand me my phone they finna fuck shit up" Riley laughed "no nigga, Jazmin you and yo girls just go" Huey stated, the girls glaring at me and Cindy before leaving without a word, all of them mumbling all kinds of things.

"Well that was fun"

Time skip
It was finally game time and after eating we were now warming up along with the other team, people and students coming in and sitting on the bleachers, the same for the Freeman's and my brothers.

"Aw they came to support" my other friend Felicity said to me as we practiced setting.

"Their always here for my games" I told the girls finding this amusing as we were about to get the game started with me setting first.

As I got started, trying to actually get my mind in the game, Riley, Aiden, and Elijah all wouldn't shut up, even as I served and accidentally hit a girl in the face, the game still continuing.

'I know she mad'

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As the game went on Huey was focused on Y/n, his attention moving down when Riley wouldn't shut up about looking at all the girls asses.

'Get it together Huey Damn '

Anyways the game was doing pretty well for Y/n, everyone watching the game intently, eventually going into conversation during the small time out.

"Ay so aren't you and Y/n going on a date?" Derick asked Huey, him and the other boys being the only people who was able to actually scare Huey.

"Yeah, I won't do anything weird, I promise" he said, the boys all cracking smiles.

"Nah you're good, we know you're genuine" Aiden spoke to the boy, him and everyone else still having that overly protective feel before turning back to the game that had just started back up.

It was now down to just one more point and the other team was serving this time.

Just as a blond had served she had over estimated her hit, the ball going out of bounds and giving Y/n's team their last point, the gym going crazy over the win.

𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝗼 𝐘/𝐧
"Damn yall need a better setter" I smiled at the team, holding up the middle finger as we left to the locker rooms to grab our things, watching as the other team left to their bus.

After getting our things and walking outside, I had been picked up and spun around by Aiden.

"You did good smalls" he smiled swinging me around before finally placing me down "Thank you bro bro" I say with a smile before turning to Huey.

"You did good tonight" Huey said to me, also giving me a small hug.

"Thanks Huey, and sorry for getting my sweat on you" I apologized, the boy shrugging "it's fine, barely even noticed" he reassured, giving me a smile.

After talking for a little longer, we had all decided to go home, saying or goodbyes before leaving for the night.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 838

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