Chapter Thirty-one

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"Everyone got everything?" A bunch of nods. "Good, because I seriously don't feel like opening another portal," Aletta said as she stepped through the portal behind the school.

"For the final time, yes, we have everything," Ethan said, exasperated. "You still never told us how you were going to make our parents believe this.

"Simple. We you on a field trip studying the wildlife of Australia," Khris said, smiling.

"Great. Now how are we all going to get home? We don't have a ride and Ethan is the only one who actually carries his license with him," Stephanie said, glaring at the seventeen-year-old Toby.

"That's easy. I'm taking you and Toby home in my truck," Cane said as a shiny new silver Avalanche came into the parking lot. "Got to love autodrive," he said, getting in.

"Then how do we get home?" Iceara said, indicating her, Rich, and Ethan.

"I'm taking you," Aletta said.

"How? You don't even have a car," Rich pointed out.

"You don't even have a license," Iceara said.

"Actually, I do."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ethan asked. "I would have let you drive, then."

"Because I don't think you'll like the way I was taught."

'Hello! Transportation is still needed," Rich said loudly.

"If you just give it a moment, it will be here."

Just then, as if to prove her right, a sleek black Diablo came tearing into the parking lot. Red fire came from the front tires and there was a Zodiac sign of the Scorpio on the hood. It came to a screeching halt about a foot from where both she and Ethan were standing. Ethan glared at her after jumping back.

Aletta smirked. "Told you. Now before we get in, there is something that we need to discuss before anyone even thinks about going home."

Everyone turned his or her attention to Aletta. Her green-brown eyes were cold, hard, and dead serious. Her arms were folded over her chest and she was leaning on the hood of her car. She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I hate to have to do this, but it's necessary. I need to know something for the four of you," she said, pointing at the four humans. "I have to know whether or not if you want to go home and have all of what happened and all of us erased from your mind and continue to live a boring, yet long and healthy life, or...."

"Or what?" Iceara asked cautiously.

Aletta's eyes snapped open. "Or leave behind everything that you have ever known and come be a Neiku where you can face war, and if captured, torture and maybe possibly death. Make your choice now."

"I'm most definitely coming," Rich said immediately.

Aletta rolled her eyes. "I knew you would."

"Can I talk it over with my parents first?" Iceara asked.

"Sure. Stephanie, Toby, how about you two?"

"We've decided not to come," Toby said.

"But we would like to keep our memories of you. Just not the rest of this," Stephanie finished.

Aletta thought it over for a moment. "I guess I can bend the rules a little bit. Now you two get them out of here."

"Why, yes'm, Miss Daisy," Cane said as he started his truck and they took off.

"I have a feeling this is going to take a while. Get in."

The three were a little shocked to find out that the Diablo had a backseat. Iceara and Rich got into the back after a game of rock, paper, scissors to find out who would ride shotgun. Ethan, who had won, got into the passenger seat. After Aletta got in, she started teh car and revved the engine.

"What kind of music?" she asked after getting settled.


"Linkin Park."

"Rob Zombie."

Aletta took a deep breath. "Sorry, Iceara, I don't carry Christian music in my car. I left my L.P. CD in the X-room, Rich. Ethe, you know that I don't have R.Z.  I guess we'll just have to listen to whatever is already in the CD player," she said, hitting play. A heavy bass blaring song came on. "Hey, I've been looking for my club remix," Aletta said, stepping on the gas. She charged out of the school grounds and onto N. Main Street, going through the little town. When she got out of town, she took the first right and then a left and got out onto the main highway, heading north. Once on the road, Aletta looked into her rearview mirror at Rich.

"We'll be going to your house first. I want you to get all your stuff and get you the hell outta there."

"What if one of my brothers tries to stop us?" Rich worried.

"Oh, they'll try, but they won't succeed."

They arrived at Rich's place about fifteen minutes later. Aletta parked out front and they all got out and went into his house to help him pack. Aletta guarded the door while the rest went upstairs. It honestly didn't take long. They were done in a total of about ten minutes. They came back downstairs and Iceara just happened to notice something wrong by the door.

"Aletta, behind you!"

Aletta started to turn, but wasn't quick enough. A pair of arms circled around her waist and pinned her arms to her sides. Aletta struggled for just a second. Reacting quickly, Aletta brought her foot down on her attacker's foot. He released her and she spun, using her built-up movements to kick him below the belt. When he doubled over, she delivered a punch to his face that left him sprawled out on the other side of the room.

"Wow. How did you do that?" Rich asked, stunned. "He's at least five times stronger than me and I'm at least ten times stronger than you."

"Simple. Like this," Aletta said, punching the wall, leaving a nice-sized hole in it.

Ethan noticed her eyes as the light glinted off them. "You went Neiku."

Aletta smirked, her blue cat-eyes twinkling. "Well, what do you know? I did, didn't I? Got everything?"

Rich looked at his one suitcase. "Yup."

"Good. I'll open a portal to the Duléaf Manor."

They went outside and Aletta concentrated on opening a portal. The pink glow of the portal was all that could be seen at first. Then other colors started to appear and took the form of the courtyard. The albino fox looked through before going to get a drink at the pond. Rich jumped through with his things and waved goodbye and it closed. When it finally closed, Aletta staggered and Ethan and Iceara both made a grab for her.

"You okay?" Iceara asked.

"Yeah. I just need to rest for a few minutes."

"What happened?" Ethan asked, concerned for his girlfriend's health.

"It's just that opening a portal takes a lot out of someone, even in Neiku form. Just give me a minute and I'll be fine."


"On second thought, I'm ready. Let's go."

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