Chapter Nineteen

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Aletta sat at the top of the stairs that led to the observatory. She normally tried to get up early to see the sunrise and think. It was a ritual that she always tried to do. As of late, though, she hadn't been able to do it. Everything had been happening so fast that she barely had time to even write in her journal, which Blade had given her. Now she finally had the time she needed to think things over.

The first thing that came to mind was what the Elders had said and told her to do. Aletta sighed as she thought about all the good times that she and Ethan had had together. That's all they would be now. Just more memories to wake her in the middle of the night, only instead of them bringing screams, fear, or anger, they would bring tears.

The sixteen-year-old felt like crying. It seemed like every time she found happiness, it would be torn violently away from her. First her family, then the people who had taken her in and called her "part of the family," then her friend Carlos. What could possibly be next? She already knew the answer to that question. Blade had told her that she would lose the things for which she cared the most, then a year of her life, followed by more things for which she cared.

Blade had told her all of this when she'd stayed with him that week. He was the first person whom she had ever trusted, and it was the same with him. Blade had always been good at seeing the future, and he told her what the future held for her. So far, her future did not look promising.

Aletta was so wrapped up in her thoughts about everything that she didn't notice the first golden rays of sunshine begin to peek over the horizon. Nor did she notice the set of footsteps coming up behind her until a pair of hands settled themselves on her shoulders. She was about to swing a punch at whoever it was until the accompanying voice stopped her.

"Hello, my dearest daughter."

Airos frowned when he felt Aletta tense up beneath his fingers. Removing one of his hands, he slowly pushed some of her hair away from her face; she flinched, remembering what had happened to her the last time he did that. Taking his hand away from her face, he ran a finger along the scar on her neck. The dark man was rewarded with a sharp breath from his captive.

He knelt down behind Aletta and wrapped his arms around her in a loose but firm manner. Her breathing became faster and her whole body went taut. Airos was mildly surprised that she still reacted to his touch, even though he hadn't had anything to do with her for seven years. Airos frowned again and tightened his grip on the frightened girl. She let out a gasp, but didn't struggle, just like she had been taught all those years ago.

"I'm glad to see you're alive."

"Why? So you can kill me? Or so you can have my best friend do it for you?"

"Is that any way to greet your dearest and only Dad?"

"Hello, Father," Aletta said in defeat.

"That's much better. I see that what I did to you is still fresh in your mind."

"I've locked it away, but I'm reminded by my nightmares. There isn't a single night that goes by when I'm not reminded of what you did to me, and of what you made me do."

Airos frowned. "You hate me, don't you?"


"Answer me!" Airos snapped as his grip tightened.

"I don't know!"

The dark man froze at his daughter's words. Of all the answers he was expecting, that was not one of them. He was expecting something in the form of hate or disgust. He would have laughed at someone if they had told him that this was the answer he would get. She was confused about what she felt for him.

"Explain yourself."

Aletta let out a deep sigh. "There are times when I do hate you."

"Like when?"

"Like when you hurt innocent people for no reason. Like what you did to Blade and Carlos last night. I felt it through our connection, in case you forgot."

Airos shut his mouth; he had forgotten. "And when you don't?"

"Whenever I see you sitting alone thinking about Mom and how things could have been different if I hadn't..."

"You've been looking into my thoughts again, haven't you?" Airos asked, a little angry.

"I only did that once. That's just something I remember seeing you do."

"But what about when I'm the one hurting you?" he asked, almost fearing the answer.

"Let's just say I'm glad that it's me and not some innocent person whom you just happened to meet."

Now Airos was the one confused. "Why do you say that?"

"It's like you always told me: I'm cursed. I don't deserve to have friends or to be loved by anyone. You've told me that so many times that I actually believed it. In fact, I still believe it." Pause. "I deserve everything I get and more.

The black-haired man slowly closed his eyes and laid his head on her shoulder. He never would have believed that what he said and did to her would have such an impact on her later in life. She had always been stubborn and would not be broken. But then again, how many times did he look in on her after one of his "lessons," only to find the pillow stained with her red tears? Almost too many times to count.

"I know you didn't come ere for pleasantries. What do you want?" Aletta asked quietly.

Putting up his badass persona once again, he answered her question. "I want to put an end to our fighting. There will be a final battle tomorrow between the three of us."

Aletta took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "At what time?"

"You'll know. Trust me," he said, pressing his cold cheek to her warm one.

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