Chapter Twenty-four

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A scream broke the peaceful atmosphere of the grand city of the Luther Clan. Some Neikus ran away from the commotion, while others ran toward it. Ethan, Malcolm, and Summer were almost bowled over by some of the people who were running away from whatever was causing the disturbance.

"They sure were in a hurry," Summer said after Ethan helped her regain her balance. "I wonder what's going on?"

"I don't know," Malcolm said, looking in the direction from which the people had run. "But there seems to be some sort of trouble. Let's go see if we can find out what's going on and if we can do anything to help."

The other two just nodded. They reached the center of the city and the first thing that Ethan saw was Aletta. She was wearing the same tie-up pants, boots, and jacket that he had seen her wearing in the auditorium three months ago, when everything had started. The only thing different about her outfit was the fact that her shirt was now a black silk tank top. Upon second glance, he also noticed that there was a dagger stuck in her right boot. Her swords were in her hands, and they were stained with a little bit of black blood and even less red blood.

Airos and Carlos were with her as well. Their weapons carried far more blood than Aletta's, giving proof that she was trying her hardest not to hurt Carlos at all costs. Carlos was standing behind her with his bladed staff at the ready while Airos stood in front of her, his onyx sword gleaming in the sunlight. Aletta was standing so that she was facing neither, with one sword pointed at each of them. She was glancing between the two of them, waiting to see who would strike at her first: her friend or her father. Yet even as she stood there, some of her wounds were healing themselves, while others were still dripping reddish-black blood onto the cobbled street.

"Aletta!" Ethan yelled without thinking when he saw some of the worse wounds on the slim body that he loved so much to hold.

Aletta took her eyes off of the two as Ethan's cry rang out, startling her. Carlos took the opportunity to attack the distracted girl. He rammed his bladed staff into her side and she went flying through the air, only to come to a sudden stop when she collided with a wall. She was dazed for a moment, but got her senses back just in time to see her father swipe at her face with the claw on his left hand. She pulled back to keep from any mortal injury, but she wasn't able to escape totally unharmed. Three bone-deep cuts appeared on the side of her face as a show of how close she'd come to death.

The Neiku-Reka hybrid winced and tried to take to the air. Airos, realizing his daughter's plan, brought the hilt of his sword down on her back right between her wings. Aletta tumbled to the ground before righting herself, and got to the air after dodging Carlos. Once in the air, she turned and glared at the man who'd sired her, after realizing that he wasn't pursuing her She looked around and realized why he had led her to this place.

"You know the rules of engagement, Father, now obey them! No innocent involvement."

"So there are rules," Airos smirked. "Then what should we do about them? How about we kill them all right now? That way, we won't have to worry about them."

Airos grabbed a small boy from the crowd and pressed his sword to the child's throat. Aletta threw one of her swords at the Reka and it grazed his arm. He dropped his sword and Aletta dove out of the air and snatched the child from his grasp, only to have Carlos barely graze her back. She set the small child down and he took off into the crowd with a smile of thanks. Aletta turned and caught her sword, which Airos had thrown, before it impaled her, and took to the air again.

"Here's the deal: If you can catch me, you can kill me," Aletta said, with a glare directed at her father.

"We catch you and you die. Not a bad offer. But what happens if we don't catch you?"

"I'll send you into an eternal slumber," Aletta said with a smile.

Airos let out a roar of fury. "Get her!"

Carlos took off after Aletta in a blur of black and Airos mimicked him. Within a few seconds, they were nothing more than black dots in the sky. Ethan, Summer, and Malcolm just watched as they quickly disappeared from view. The two members of the Aero family did a double-take as the young prince turned his back on the fight and headed toward Pantro's cave.

"Don't you want to go after them, my Lord?" Malcolm asked.

"No," Ethan said softly as he continued walking.

Summer walked ahead of him and stopped him. "You know, if you truly loved her, you would go after them and help her!"

"But since I do love her, I'll obey her wishes and let her fight her own battles," Ethan said, going around her.

Summer rushed to block him again.

"Why? Are you afraid you'll get her killed?"

"No. I'm afraid that I might break her trust."

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