Chapter Twenty-three

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Aletta landed and ran into the house that she shared with Blade. She ran from room to room, frantically calling his name and fearing the worst. Upon reaching the den, she found the room to be a total mess. The windows were shattered, tables were broken, and the furniture was upended. But the thing that upset Aletta the most was the prone figure laying near the wall.


Aletta ran over to the facedown young man. She gently turned him over and, lying his head in her lap, began to look for any injuries. The only ones that she was able to find on him, though, were the burns around both wrists from where the energy chains had bound him. It was then that she also noticed the dried blood that flecked his lips.

"Blade, wake up. Please don't be dead. You promised," Aletta whispered softly in his ear.

Lying him back down on the floor, she went over to the couch, grabbed one of the pillows, and placed it next to his still body. The blue-eyed girl then went into one of the bedrooms and yanked one of the mattresses and a couple blankets into the den. Once that was done, she gently placed the platinum blond on the makeshift cot and covered him with blankets.

Running form the room yet again, Aletta came back with a bowl of warm water and a rag. After wetting the soft cloth, she ran it over Blade's face and chest. Ten minutes later, a pair of indigo eyes slowly opened with a groan from their owner. The first thing that they saw was a pair of blue cat-like eyes. Forcing himself up, Blade looked at her still-worried expression.

The bloody tears were on the verge of falling when Blade grabbed her and pulled her into a tight, heart-filled embrace. A giant sob was released as he stroked her hair and soothed her. He let go of her and pulled back to look at her face before pulling her back into the hug. Blade was on the verge of tears himself when the younger girl spoke up.

"I felt what happened and when I landed, I couldn't sense you. I was afraid that he might have... might have..."

"No, don't ever think that. Besides, he would never intentionally do that," Blade said, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"He wants a duel to the death tomorrow."

Blade quickly pulled back so he could look at her. "Against Carlos, too?"

Aletta only nodded.

He gripped her upper arms tightly and gave her a slight shake. "Tell me you didn't agree."


"Tell me!" he said, giving her another shake.

"I had no choice. My friends were there. I don't want to get them involved. Especially Ethan."

Blade's angry expression softened at the half-Mexican's name. "You really love him, don't you?" he asked in surprise.

Again, Aletta nodded. "But the Elders don't want us to be together."

The indigo-eyed man scoffed. "The Elders can kiss both our royal asses as far as I'm concerned." He then broke into a soft smile. "So I'll take it that you still haven't told anyone."

"No. Only family knows. And Pantro, but that's only because he knew Mom."

"I wonder what would happen if the Elders ever did find out?"

"They would think that I was lying."

"But what if Poppa told them?"

"Probably beg for mercy, then start kissing major ass."

"You're more than likely right."

An easy silence settled between the two for a little bit.

"Hey, Blade?"

"Yeah, Kitten?"

"Do you... remember my birth name?"

"Yeah. Of course I do. Let me guess: You and your boyfriend had a chat and it came to this."

"Don't snoop."

"Sorry, Kitten."

"Could you...?"

"Tell it to you? Sure. You just have to swear one thing to me."

"What's that?"

"Never forget who you are."

"I won't. I swear it on the throne."


There was a pause in the conversation.

"Do you want me to tell it to you now?"

There was a loud sigh. "Now would be nice."

A smirk appeared. "What if I forgot?"


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