Chapter Eighteen

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"Stop this, please!"

Airos stopped with the ball of black energy sitting in his hand just inches away from Carlos's chest. Carlos was backed into a corner with no place else to turn. Energy shackles chained Blade to the wall. He was hoping that he could stop what was about to happen.

"Sorry. That's not an option," Airos said. He smirked at Carlos's frightened expression. Ignoring Blade's pleas for him to stop, he slipped the ball into the blue-eyed boy's chest. The dark man blinked. He could have sworn that Carlos slid down the wall about an inch or so. All doubt was replaced, however, when Carlos broke out into a fit of screams.

Airos turned to look at Blade. There was a horrified expression on the young man's face. Slowly, Blade bowed his head. The dark man frowned and stormed over. He grabbed the platinum-haired man's chin and forced him to look at the tossing and turning sixteen-year-old on the floor.

"What's wrong? Don't like what you see?"

"This is wrong," Blade said. "He's an innocent."

"No one is truly innocent. We are bathed in blood the moment we come from our mother's womb. This boy will help bring an end to this war. Then things will be perfect. It will be just like it was before."

Blade looked Airos dead in the eye. "Will it?"

Airos slapped him and stormed out of the room. Blade watched as Carlos twisted and screamed in pain. Using his power, Blade took the pain from Carlos's body and infused it into his own. Blade screamed as the pain ripped through his body. The brown-haired boy stayed where he was, unmoving.

"Carlos, are you okay?" Blade bit out.

"Is it over?" Carlos asked back.

"No. I took your pain from you."

The younger boy quickly sat up. "No!"

"Don't worry about it," Blade said, trying not to scream.

"Why?" Carlos asked as he got up and made his way over to Blade.

The latter let out a scream and the chain energy disappeared, leaving him to fall into Carlos's open arms. "Because you're my friend. That's why."


"No regrets?"

Carlos blinked. "No regrets," he said sadly.

Blade nodded before screaming again and slipping into unconsciousness.

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