Chapter Five

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Cane stopped his truck outside the front door. Aletta, who was leaning against the doorframe, came down the steps. Instead of greeting them, she began to unload some of Ethan's things. Khris gave her a nod and began to help as soon as she got out of the truck. Once Cane was out, he began to get Ethan's weight bench out. It struck him odd as to why he wasn't out here helping.

"Where's Ethan at?" Cane asked, picking the bench up.

"Inside with Rich trying to calm down."

Cane nearly dropped the bench on his foot. "But you left us behind four hours ago!"

Aletta looked up at him. "If I remember right, you passed out after I broke the sound barrier," Aletta said, taking some boxes up the steps.

"Let Khris handle those boxes. We need to talk right now, Aletta."

Aletta turned upon hearing him use her human name. It was something that he never did. His blond hair was ruffled and tossed by the wind. The normally happy expression was gone and replaced by a more serious one. Then there were his eyes. Aletta had only seen his eyes like that once and it was on the night that she found herself again. Those green orbs were cold and emotionless.

Suddenly, her strength faded and the two boxes slipped from her hands. As Cane came up the steps, her strength continually left her. Just as the twin reached her, she was so weak that she could no longer stand. Cane caught her and took her in and sat her down on the couch. As he sat across from her, she looked up at him with a sad look that nearly tore his heart in two.

"Last night, there was a mass murder in Bridgeville. I'm sorry, but they're all gone."

"...All of them?"

"I saw the scene myself. There was no way any of them might have made it."

"Do... do they know who did it?"

"The police don't know who did it, but we do."

"...It was my father, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but he used your friend to do it."

Aletta said nothing, but bowed her head and let her hair fall into her eyes.


Cane looked up to see Rich standing in the doorway with Ethan and Khris behind him. They must have heard everything.

"Aletta, please say something," Rich pleaded.

"Goodbye," Aletta said as she got up and headed towards the door.

Rich ran over and blocked the door. "No. You're not leaving."









The next thing that anyone knew was that Aletta was now on one side of the room and Rich was on the other. Cane and Khris ran over to the fallen boy, who was lying there stunned. Ethan made no move, but stayed where he was. Aletta stormed over and moved her hair out of her face to reveal a pair of violet eyes that were tinged with red. She stood there glaring down at her 'brother.'

"Next time, if you listen to what I say instead of contradicting me, then I might not end up hurting someone," Aletta said, her voice a mix between normal and a growl.

Slowly, she turned to leave, only to find that Ethan was blocking her way. He reached out for her and she let out an inhuman snarl that revealed a very sharp set of fangs. Slowly, Ethan leaned forward and placed a butterfly kiss on her cheek and whispered something in her ear. When he pulled back, he moved out of her way so she could pass.

Aletta started to go, but stopped at the door. "I'm going to my place," she said, her voice somewhat normal.

Cane looked up at her. "Are you sure it's safe?"


"But Tenshi--"

"Look," she said, her voice going back to the growl. "I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone to tell me how to live my life. So just..." Aletta said as she went out, but not without saying one more thing: "Sorry."

Rich looked up at Ethan. "How can you let her go? What if she does something stupid?"

"She won't," Ethan replied.

"What makes you so sure?" Cane asked. "You don't know how unpredictable she is. In this state she could do anything."

"I know exactly what she'll do."

"What will she do?" Khris asked.

Ethan went over to the bay window and watched the small winged figure slowly get smaller. "She won't do anything until she gets to her house. Once there, she will blame herself, get extremely mad, trash her house, come down off her rampage, and finally she'll start crying. After that, she will fall asleep and have a nightmare of what happened. Once it's all said and done, I can guarantee that everything that happened tonight will be very fuzzy and she won't remember half of what went down."

"And you know this how?" Cane asked.

Ethan turned to face him. "Because she's done this before."

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