Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Just where have you two been at for the past three hours?" Iceara practically yelled as the blue-eyed girl came into the room.

"I was helping Ethe get some armor and weapons so that I could start teaching him," Aletta said, walking past her.

"Right. I bet you were," she said sarcastically.

"She was," Ethan said, coming in with his sword strapped to his back.

"Sorry for doubting you," Iceara said with a sigh.

"When's dinner? I'm hungry," Rich said.

"So am I," Stephanie said.

"Me, too," Toby agreed.

"Dinner should be ready in about twenty minutes," Khris said from the kitchen. "GET OUT, CANE!"

The latter came running out of the kitchen, followed closely by a pan that just missed his head by mere inches. The others laughed and were very amused by what had just happened. The blonde-haired young man looked forlornly back into the kitchen. He pouted and looked extremely pitiful. "Awww. I just wanted a taste."

"NO. For you, a taste is the whole dinner."

"Yeah, right," he said loudly, before going to mumbling. "I've only done it a few times."

The others started their laughter anew while Cane noticed that the only one that wasn't laughing was a certain sandy-haired girl. She had an extremely grim look on her face. She got off the couch and slowly made her way to the hall. Cane let out a very sharp whistle that made the blue-eyed girl stop dead.

"Do you want the keys?" he asked.

Aletta turned to face him. "What for?"

The green-eyed boy frowned and his wings flared out. "I know you all too well. When you're in this type of mood, you always go out to the gardens or to the observatory, but where do you always end up?"

The sixteen-year-old let out a sigh. "The X-room."

"See? Here you go. CD player is already in there and so is the CD. Just don't do what you did the last time or else I swear I'll leave you the way I find you."

Aletta said something rude to him under her breath as she caught the keys before turning and walking out. Cane watched her retreating form and let out a chuckle at the comment. He shook his head and turned to go sneaking back into the kitchen when Stephanie unknowingly stopped him.

"So how is it that the two of you know her?"

Cane froze. "Um... well... I... uh..."

"Stop with the blabbering and just spit it out already," Iceara said from her beanbag.

"Spit what out?" Khris asked as she came in from the kitchen.

"We were just wondering how you all met," Toby said.

Khris and Cane quickly exchanged looks. "I'm not sure if we are the ones that you should be talking to about that."

Ethan suddenly did not like where this conversation was headed. "Why not?"

"You see, Tenshi doesn't like to talk about her past or have anyone talk about it. It's too painful for her."

"Come off it. It can't be that bad," Iceara said, always trying to find the bright side of things.

The two siblings just looked at each other.

"Hey, it's not like she killed anybody, right?" Rich joked.

The two Neikus just bowed their heads and the room went still. There was no movement or sound. The silence was only broken when rich let out an uneasy chuckle.

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