Chapter Twenty-seven

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Ethan sat down by the fountain in shock. Everything was happening so fast. It was only a month ago that he had been leading a normal life. Had it been only a month? God, it seemed like an eternity ago that Aletta told him about their heritage.

Toby noticed Ethan's brooding and came over to sit down next to the older boy. "You okay, dude?"

"I guess. It's just that everything's just--"

"Going too fast for you?"

"Yes, exactly."

Toby smiled. "Don't worry. Just think of it this way. You've got a loyal girlfriend who loves you, your friends to support you, and now thousands of people for you to boss around."

Ehtan frowned and glared at the taller boy.

"Okay, so the last one was not a good example, but you still have your friends. Even more importantly you have her," Toby said, glancing up at the black marble building.

Ethan looked up to see Aletta coming out of the Elders' building. She turned to look back at the building and made a very rude gesture before coming over to the two boys. Ethan stood up and embraced his love in a hug. They finished the hug but Ethan kept an arm around her protectively.

"Why the birdie to all the mighties?" Toby asked.

"It was nothing of importance. Don't worry about it," Aletta said, leaning into Ethan. "Now you need to choose a weapon and begin your training. Come on. I'll take you to get the best weapons that both the worlds have to offer. We'll be back soon, Toby. Tell them not to worry."

She then grabbed Ethan's hand and pulled him out of town and into a nearby forest just outside of town, not even waiting for a response from the tall boy. After about ten minutes of walking, the pair came to a huge boulder in the middle of a clearing. What surprised Ethan the most was when his girlfriend let go of his hand, walked into the boulder, and disappeared. She came back out a few seconds later.

"Are you coming?" she asked, looking at him with a pair of really sad puppy-dog eyes.

"I... guess," was his unsure reply.

"Then come on!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the boulder.

After Aletta pulled him through, she turned to see his reaction, only to find that his eyes were closed. He must have had them closed the entire time. She let out a little giggle at his antics. She planted a kiss on his lips, trying to get him to open his eyes, but he didn't even budge. This disappointed her greatly. Her kisses had always worked on him before.

"Ethe, are you going to open your eyes or just stand there like a statue until I take you back outside?"


'You're being the opposite fo a gargoyle, you know. Instead of you turning into stone during the day, you're turning into stone whenever it gets dark."

"No, I'm not."

"Then open your eyes.'

"Is it safe?"

"Of course it's safe. I wouldn't have brought you here if it wasn't," Aletta said, a little upset that he didn't trust her that much.

"Okay, I trust you," he said when he heard the hurt in her voice.

Ethan opened his eyes and gasped at what he saw. He was now in a very large and spacious cave that was lit by torchlight. Hanging on the wall were hundreds of different types of chainmail armor made from all different kinds of materials. There were the types he knew, like steel, iron, and copper. Then there were also some types that he had never seen before. There were some made with feathers, scales of some kind, skin of some type of reptile, and a type of shiny white metal that had silver lining. Swords and other various weapons were laid out on tables, chairs, and on the floor. There must have been at least a thousand of both the weapons and the armors.

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