Chapter Ten

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For the next hour and a half, the others got to know each other a lot better. They shared things like favorite foods, colors, likes, dislikes, and all of the other basics. It was really a Get-to-Know-You party. During that time, secrets were revealed and friendships blossomed. Finally, Cane came out of his stoned stupor and they headed out to the fields. Once there, Aletta began to bark out instructions.

"Alright, Iceara and Rich, face each other," Aletta said. The two looked skeptical but did as they were told.

"Now join your right hands."

After a few "I don't want to"s and "Do I have to"s and groans, that was done too.

"Now kiss."

Both of them looked at Aletta in shock. She, however, was trying not to fall over in a fit of laughter. Finally, she composed herself and received two very deadly glares.

"I was just kidding. Now Khris, get on the right side of Rich and face his side. Cane, I want you on the left side of Iceara and do the same."

Once this was done, she turned to Ethan.

"You might want to sit at least four or five feet away. I don't want you exposed to this."

Ethan did as he was told and sat on a log about ten feet away to watch the scene unfold. Aletta joined the little square on the opposite side that the twins were on. If you were looking down on them, it would look like a stick house. The three Neikus let out their wings and stretched them so that the tips were touching .The three of them then started a spell that neither human could understand but Ethan could pick out a very few words.

The next thing that could be seen was a circle of light that enveloped both Rich and Iceara for a few moments. The light suddenly flared a mix of dark and light blue and it was followed by a female's pain-filled scream. The light flared again and the color changed to tan. A half-yelp, half-scream followed and you could barely tell that it was a male's scream. The light show ended when the light expanded and disappeared with a loud bang.

Iceara was now left in a pair of dark blue wide-leg jeans and a pair of knee-high black leather boots. A light blue tank top completed the outfit. The only other things different about her were the two-toned blue wings that were tipped with silver and folded behind her.

Rich was in a similar fashion. He was now wearing a pair of wide-leg blue jeans with a red dragon going up one leg and a pair of black sneakers. His shirt consisted of nothing more than a tan tank top that was cut extremely low in the back for his wings, which were tan and tipped with silver. He seemed extremely shocked. He folded a wing around and touched it before breaking into a goofy grin.


"Wow. This is amazing," Iceara exclaimed.

"Glad you like it. Now get your newly-made Neiku butts over here and help us," Cane said.

The three Neikus that had done the spell were now on the ground sweating and breathing heavily. Cane and Khris were leaning back-to-back in order to hold each other up, while Aletta was laying spread-eagle on the ground. Their wings were gone and they had reverted back to their normal forms. Rich picked Cane up and put one of the Neiku's arms over his shoulder and wrapped the other one around his waist. Iceara did the same with Khris and she thanked new Neiku. Ethan went over to his girlfriend and looped an arm under her knees and behind her back and decided to carry her. They made it back to the house in about ten minutes.

"Now what?" Rich asked, once they were in the living room. "How do we get rid of our wings?"

"Just will them away," Cane grumbled before going to bed.

Khris waited until she was sure that both of the new Neikus knew what to do before going to bed herself. Iceara and Rich stayed up and talked for about ten minutes before they finally decided to retire as well. Ethan, who had Aletta in his lap, looked at her for a few seconds.

"What?" she asked upon noticing his stare.

"Are you going to bed?"

"Actually, I was hoping that you would stay with me for the night."

Ethan blinked in shock. "Excuse me?

Aletta bowed her head a little. "Could you stay with me tonight?"

"Why?" Ethan asked, a little confused.

"I'll understand if you don't want to. It's just that..."

"That what?"

She looked up at him through platinum bangs. "I don't want to be alone.

Eth smiled. "As long as I'm around, I swear that you'll never have to be alone."

With that said, the Mexican carried the younger girl to her room. He left to let her get changed and to go to his room to get some clothes for himself. When he returned, eh found her already in bed. Turning off the light, he carefully slid into the bed. Once settled, Aletta rolled over and snuggled up against him for comfort. Ethan smiled and wrapped an arm around her before they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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