Chapter Twelve

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"They look so cute together," Khris said, looking at the two figures curled up next to each other.

"Do you think we should wake them?" Iceara asked.

"No, let them sleep. They'll be needing every ounce of rest they can get," Cane said, looking in as well on the sleeping couple.

Rich came up behind them and looked in. "Did they...?" he asked uncertainly.

"No. They didn't do anything other than sleep," Khris said. "Besides, I think that it's a relief that Tenshi's found someone that she can be with that scares away her nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Iceara asked. "What are you talking about? What nightmares?"

"Let's talk in the kitchen. I don't want to wake them just yet."

The four went into the kitchen and Khris began to make breakfast. Bacon, biscuits, eggs, gravy, pancakes, and sausages were just a few of the things on the menu. As breakfast was being made, though, Khris told the other two about the nightmares that Aletta had and, occasionally, knocked Cane upside the head for trying to steal a few pieces of bacon.

"So you see, she has those nightmares as a result of her guilt for killing all of those innocent Neikus and Rekas," Khris said as she sat down another plate of bacon. "And it seems to me that Prince Ethan is helping her get over what she did without even knowing it. He's helping her to begin to heal."

"And what's even better is that he seems to be reversing the damages that Airos did to her. He shattered her confidence and made her think that she was worthless. Now Tenshi seems to be more confident and feels that she is needed. The mental abuse is slowly starting to fade away. It's a beautiful thing," Cane said, taking a sip from his orange juice.

"Well, breakfast is done. Now I should go wake those two--"

"No need. We're awake," Ethan said, coming into the kitchen with Aletta not too far behind.

"Did you sleep well?" Rich asked.

"Yeah. Please pass the bacon."

The conversation carried on between the twins and the newest Neikus. The couple talked quietly to each other, ignoring the others. It was only after they had eaten and cleaned up their plates that they announced something.

"We're leaving," Aletta said, strapping her swords onto her back.

"What?" Cane asked. "I thought that we weren't going to go until sundown."

"You guys aren't coming until sundown, but we need to go now," Ethan explained, grabbing his no dai chi.

"I don't understand."

"I can turn Ethan myself, but he will be hurting and probably be out and I'll be too drained to get us back here, so you'll need to come and get us." Aletta looked at them. "Can I count on you guys/"

"I'll be there. You can count on me, Sis."

"Thanks, Rich," Aletta said, giving him a hug.

Iceara gave both Aletta and Ethan a hug and wished them luck after swearing that she would also be there. Khris also gave them a hug but Ethan a kiss on the cheek as well: for luck was what she said. Cane was a little more formal, though, choosing to shake hands with them both before they departed.

"We'll see you at sunset," Ethan called out as they went out the door.

They went around back and got a black horse with a white star on its forehead for Ethan to ride on the way there. Aletta just let her wings out so she could fly along beside him. After getting situated, Ethan started the horse off at a gallop. Aletta caught up and the two raced for a while. Ethan broke the horse into a trot as they made simple conversation.

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