Chapter Thirty

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Carlos watched as blood slowly pooled around Merik's slit throat. Carlos let out a sigh as he looked up at the stars. He wished that he didn't have to kill anyone. Unfortunately, his body did what Airos commanded. He had kept his mind free of the dark man's control, but it did him little good. His body was still under Airos's control. It made him sick. Saying a silent prayer of forgiveness, he walked into the woods and away from Merik's cooling body.

Wulfhere, came a voice in his mind.

Carlos jumped into the air to meet the giant image in the sky. "Yes Master? You desire something of me?" he asked.

Yes, I do. I need you to go into the Mortal Plain and pay a visit to a few people.

"Like who, Master?"

Just some friends of my beloved daughter's who I want you to eliminate.

"Of course, Master. I shall do it right away."

Carlos went through the pink portal that opened before him. He came through and blinked at what he saw below. It was a small community that he had visited only a few times before. The blue-eyed boy nearly threw up when he realized whom he was supposed to eliminate. Still, his body obeyed. He went into two houses and killed a total of five people. After he was done, he promptly lost the contents of his stomach. After he finished, he went back to Airos's castle. 

Carlos walked through the black marble halls and finally reached the giant ruby and onyx throne room. Going up to the throne, he bowed low before Airos, before going back to an upright position. 

Airos looked down at the boy before him. "You have something to report to me?" he asked.

"Yes, Master. The targets have been eliminated."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Master."

"You left my calling card where she could find it, right?"

"Yes, Master."

"Very good, Wulfhere. I am very impressed. I think that you deserve a reward. You may go out and play with the dragons. Feed them, water them, take them flying, give them a bath, or do what you want with them. I release you."

Carlos staggered as he got control of his body back.

"If you try to run, I swear that you will never see your friends again," the dark man warned.

Carlos glared at Airos for a moment. "Don't worry. I won't run. My friends' lives are more important than my freedom. Of course, you don't know anything about that, do you, Master?" Carlos said before going out to the dragons and leaving a very silent Airos behind him.

When Carlos got out to the dragons, however, he was still fuming. The three dragons came over to the gate after exchanging looks. The oldest one, a glorious white female dragon with a crystal-colored underbelly and wings, came forward. Her diamond-colored claws dug into the ground and her matching spines were flat against her back. yet her eyes were as black as velvet.

What is wrong, my young friend? she asked.

"Airos is the matter," Carlos said, coming into the pen and heading towards the Keep. "But thanks for asking, Shinsei."

What has he done now that has upset you so? asked another female. This dragon was a deep forest green color. The spines on her back were a brilliant shade of neon green, as were her claws. Her underbelly and wings were jade green and her eyes were a very bright shade of red.

"He threatened me with my friends' lives again, Kosui." Carlos suddenly stopped his rampage and looked over at the last dragon. "Is something wrong, Giri?"

Giri was a solid black dragon. His claws and spines were red but so were his wings and underbelly. This was very unusual for a dragon because they are normally three shades of the same color and its eyes were opposite the color of its body. Giri was, in his own words, and outside like his companion.

The dragon suddenly looked up at Carlos. Huh? You talking about me?

Carlos frowned. "Yeah. I asked you if something was wrong. Is there?"

Giri blinked. Is there what?

"Something wrong?"

No. Just thinking about things.

Carlos and the other two exchanged looks.

We miss her also, but you cannot keep grieving over her, said Kosui.

Don't you think I know that, Kosui? he snapped.

Giri, that is enough, Shinsei said, stepping between the two. Giri, you are not the only one to lose an aibou. Your sister is missing her aibou as well. Now, will you two please stop your meaningless quarrel?

As you wish it, Mother, said Kosui.

Whatever, scoffed Giri.

"Excuse me."

The three dragons looked at the young human.

Yes, my friend? asked Shinsei.

"Why are you asking about partners?"

Giri answered: Every person of royal descent have a life partner, at least where we came from. This life partner's a companion in dragon form. Mil is Shinsei's--

Was, Shinsei interrupted. She is gone in body, but her spirit still lingers here.

And Kosui's is a young idiot by the name of Blade, Giri continued.

"What did you mean by, 'Her spirit still lingers here'?"

Kosui answered, You must understand that when a dragon's aibou dies, then the dragon dies as well. However, if the dragon dies first, then the dragon's soul shall linger here in order to protect its aibou until he or she dies. Do you comprehend the concept now? said the enthusiastic green dragon.

"Yeah. That's kinda cool. So who is your partner, Giri?"

My partner, he roared, is Mil's daughter and Blade's sister.

"So basically, you had two hatchlings because your aibou had two kids, right, Shinsei?"

That is correct, rumbled the white dragon.

"Does your aibou have a name?" Carlos asked the silver-eeyd dragon.

No. She wasn't named when she was born, Giri said sarcastically.

"Then let's hear it."

Giri let out a small burst of flame as he roared out her name.

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