Chapter Twenty-five

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"You were zoning out. What's wrong?"

"I know what happened. It was Carlos."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"Airos lost his control over him for a little while after they got back to... to... wherever it was they're staying. Carlos... I heard his thoughts. He was going to kill himself for hurting Ethan. And he thinks that he may have killed me."

"Did he succeed?" Khris and Iceara asked at the same time. Khris asked because she cared for all people in pain. Iceara, however, asked because she had just wanted to see if he was actually dead. She didn't really hate him. He was just annoying at times and it pissed her off to no end.

"No. Airos beat the hell out of him for trying it, though."

"Was that why you screamed?" Cane asked.

"No. Airos... He turned Carlos back. I... I felt his pain."

Ethan took hold of his girlfriend's hand and gave it a loving squeeze. She returned the show of affection, then continued to eat. After the meal, she went into the living room and sat down on the couch, absently rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sore?" Ethan asked.

"A little. Don't worry about it."

"No, here."

"No. I'm fine, really."

Aletta started to pull away, but suddenly stopped, because she could tell by the silence that he had seen it. Ethan stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scar on the back of her neck. It looked like it was a mix between a burn and a stab wound. It also looked to be barely a year old. He gently traced the scar with his finger, and he felt Aletta flinch a little under his touch.

"When did you get this?"

"The last time I was with my father," Aletta said, pulling the remainder of her shirt collar up so he could no longer see it.

"How long ago was that?"

"Four years."

"But this scar..." he said, trailing off in confusion.

"It was made with a Burning Blade. The scar will always be there. Please don't tell anyone you've seen it. They wouldn't understand what I went through. Not yet, anyway."

"Don't worry. Secret's safe with me."

"Oh, one other thing. Here," Aletta said, pulling out a small crystal on a silver chain. She gently slipped it around his neck and adjusted the chain for him. The flat crystal was about the size of a dime. Three colors divided the gem into thirds. The outside ring was silver, followed by a red ring, and the center was black. As he studied it, Ethan thought he saw the rock glow for a second. Ethan stared at the crystal for a few moments, then looked back at Aletta.

"What's this for?"

"It will protect you when I can't. Only you can take it off, but I'd rather you not right now. Not with what's going on at the moment."

"I'll never take it off, no matter what happens. I promise you."


"Oi! You two lovers ready to go?"

"Shut up, Cane! And yes, we are. I just need to change my shirt and get my jacket, thank you," Aletta shouted back to the blond Neiku.

"Well, hurry up! The Elders don't like to wait very long. You do know that, right?"

"Yes, I know!"

"Fine. We'll be down in the trans room when you're finished with your manzoku no dorei."

"Cane! I swear that one of these days, I will finish what I started!"

Ethan looked at her.

"Don't ask. It's a long story and we don't have enough time right now."


Ethan watched as she grabbed her jacket. It gave him a clear view of the scars on her back from where her wings came out. They were jagged in some places and smooth in others, just like her wings. Suddenly, the fabric of her shirt began to change. It went from velvet to leather; from short-sleeved to strapless.

Aletta turned around just in time to see the Mexican's jaw drop. He was staring at the top she was wearing. Lots of guys liked this top, but then again, what guy wouldn't? It was leather and tied up the front. Then again, it wasn't every day that she wore something so revealing. Aletta smirked as she came over and closed Ethan's jaw.

"Your tongue was getting all dusty. Let's go."

"Right," he said as he followed her out.

The Star Children's Destinyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें