Chapter Fourteen

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"You are sure that this is safe?"

"Eth, if I wasn't sure, then would I have brought you here?"

Ethan reached out to touch one of the three arched stone pillars that rose up from the ground. The design on the stone beneath his feet was the same as the tattoo on his shoulder. The air of this place felt strange: it was like there was an electrical charge in the air. The place seemed to be untouched by anyone else and there was a hidden power under the stones that he could feel. Ethan turned to look at Aletta. She was regarding him with deep interest.

"What's wrong? You seem a bit stressed."

Ethan looked at the ground. "I don't know. It's just..."

"No. Oh no. Hell no."

He threw her a questioning look. "What?"

Aletta sat down on a nearby log. "I can't believe this."

"What?" Ethan asked, coming over.

She looked up at him. "You don't want to do this, do you?"

"In truth..." Well, now's as good a time as any. I just hope I don't get too mad and say or do anything that I will regret, Ethan thought. "In truth, no, I don't want to do this. In fact, every day I keep thinking that this is just a dream. I keep thinking that the reason that it won't end is because I can't wake up because something bad has happened. There are times when I think that I might have been knocked into a coma since the first time that I met you and this is just the result of it," Ethan said, getting angrier with each word said.


"Don't you Eth me! You're the reason that I'm here in the first place. So, in truth, you are the one I have to blame for all of this!" Ethan said, throwing his hands up in the air.

Aletta jerked when she saw his hands go up. It was just a natural reaction borne from all of her time with her Father. She bowed her head and averted her eyes. Her body tensed with anticipation for a blow that would come at any second and cerate another bruise or scar on her pale skin. Ethan noticed what happened and for just a few short seconds, he caught a little girl sitting on that log. It wasn't the tough, fearless, and sometimes emotionless person that she pretended to be, but was the young girl that she used to be. The one who didn't guard her emotions or hide her tears thinking that they were a sign of weakness. This was a child that was full of fear and hurt and the betrayed feeling that comes from when a loved one has hurt them in the same way over and over again.

"I'm sorry," Ethan said, pulling her up in a hug. "I wasn't thinking. My anger got the best of me before I was able to get a hold of it. I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Eth," she said softly. "You don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong. I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this mess. Forgive me for being so stupid."

"Here's an idea. Let's forget what just happened. Let's get this done and over with," he said, pulling back.

"Just remember that the pain will only last for a few seconds, but it will feel like eternity," Aletta said, pulling him into a deep kiss. "Now go stand in the center, but take off your shirt-- if you don't want it in shreds, that is."

Ethan complied after he got his senses back from the kiss that was delivered. He stripped off his shirt and stood in the center of the design. Aletta pulled out her two swords and stood outside, facing him. She held one side of each of the blades to her wrists. She started the spell in what Ethan recognized as the Ancient tongue.

"Watashii wa dame shiru kyofu, demo watashii wa shiru jin. Watashii wa dame okiwasureru," Aletta said as she slid the blades across her wrists, allowing blood to seep out.

Ethan was horrified by what his girlfriend had just done. Unconsciously, he took a step towards her to help her, but a silver light that was streaked with gold enveloped the place where he was standing. A pain suddenly appeared in his stomach and it quickly spread to the rest of his body. It was like he was being set on fire, drowned, crushed, and pulled apart all at once. A scream ripped through the air as his wings burst through his back, tearing the skin on his shoulders and it was then that he realized that he was the one screaming.

Something warm with a metallic taste like copper came into his mouth. His throat felt like someone had ripped it out, set it on fire, and didn't bother to put the fire out before putting it back. It was only when the blood dripped off his lip that Ethan realized that he had screamed his throat bloody. He began to panic until he felt something tickling the back of his mind. It was familiar and comforting.


Ethan was surprised that it was her and was more shocked when he could almost feel her warm embrace. Suddenly, the light slowly began to fade and the consuming pain all but vanished. The heir to the throne now stood, not as a human, but as a Neiku Prince. His wings were silver and streaked with gold. Eyes that were once an earthen brown were now the same stunning shade of silver as his wings. Ethan noticed none of this, however. Despite the blood running down his chin, he went over and collapsed into Aletta's arms.

The blue-eyed girl fell to her knees holding the young man. After a few seconds, Ethan found the strength to look up at her and was very concerned when he saw a trail of blood coming from her nose. It wasn't the light-colored runny blood that came from normal nosebleeds. This blood was a deep, dark red and it was extremely thick. Ethan started to say something, but Aletta put a finger to his lips to quiet him.

"Just sleep, Babe. Just sleep," she whispered weakly.

Ethan could only nod. He laid his head back down on her chest. As he listened to her heartbeat, he slowly fell into a deep sleep. Aletta tore off some of her shirt and cleaned off as much of the blood as she could, but some still remained. Using one of her swords, she pulled her pack closer and pulled out a blanket. She draped it over Ethan's sleeping form. She soon fell asleep as well, stroking the Mexican's hair.

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