Chapter One

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Aletta Daniels sat in her U.S. History class with her head down and a dazed look on her face as she faced the window. It wasn't the fact that the lecture was boring, or the teacher continued to drone on; it was just that she was bored out of her mind. The weather just seemed to make things worse than what they really were. It was supposed to be a beautiful day, but the weatherman had flubbed things up again.

The sky outside was a dark brown, almost black, but with no rain, and the clouds hung low and seemed to move around in an almost circular pattern.

Wait a minute, Aletta thought, sitting up and staring out the window of the second-floor classroom. Clouds don't move in a circular pattern unless it is a hurricane or tornado. And since when did clouds become brown?

At that thought, Aletta sat up straight in her seat, almost knocking her open book to the floor in a panic. No! He couldn't have found me yet. It's still too soon. He--

"This is Mr. Bassan," the principal said over the loudspeaker, jarring Aletta out of her thoughts and actually making her knock her book off the desk this time. "I need the teachers to send all of the students to the auditorium as soon as it is possible. There is a special guest here who is going to speak with the children about an important topic."

I don't like the tone of his voice, Aletta thought as she filed out of class with the rest of the confused high school students.

As she headed down to the auditorium, she met her two girlfriends, Iceara and Stephanie.

They had been friends for what seemed like an eternity. Iceara had mid-back-length black hair that she had pulled back into a braid and blue-green eyes. She stood about an inch and a half shorter than Aletta at 5'4. She was wearing a pair of flare blue jeans and a pastel-colored Gothic-style shirt with black high-heeled boots. She was also one of those people who was a true Christian and followed the Bible almost to a T.

If she only knew the truth about what goes on in the world around us, Aletta thought as they joined her.

Stephanie was different, but not by much. She had the same type of hair, only brown, and she wore it pulled back into a loose ponytail. She had light brown eyes that always seemed to contain a sparkle, even when she was sad. Height was not in her favor, because she only stood at 5'3.

She was wearing a pair of flare blue jeans, white sneakers, and a purple shirt that was a few sizes too big for her. Her interests ranged from band to chorus and she had street smarts but could be a little naïve at times.

"What's up?" Iceara asked.

"Something that's not supposed to be," Aletta said, sounding much colder than she had intended to.

Iceara regarded her best friend from the corner of her eye. She was a tall 5'5 ½". Her shoulder-length hair was a sandy blonde with platinum blonde streaks. Her mostly-platinum bangs fell into her eyes and curled inward at the bottom, making it seem like she had horns. She was wearing a black shirt with the words "Yin" and "Yang" embroidered on her left breast and a huge yin-yang on the back. She had on a pair of dark blue flare jeans with a crazy design done in silver going up to her knee and she was wearing a pair of black boots.

But what got Iceara the most was the fact that she could sense that Aletta wasn't normal. Whether Aletta knew it or not, she had some kind of power hidden deep within her. It wasn't the Devil's work, and yet it wasn't God's work. But wherever this power came from, it was strong. And it was also the exact same way with Aletta's boyfriend, except that the power was a lot weaker.

"Why do you say that?" Stephanie asked.

"Because the principal wouldn't just suddenly make us stop what we were doing to make us go to an assembly for no reason," Aletta said, turning to her.

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