Episode 14

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"So you just got a suger daddy" I tease her as I nudge on her shoulders when she is actually staring at her man which she calls as admiring or adoring or whatever it is. While her man is chewing on the crackers and pulling out more from the pack. Sometimes I wonder if he actually is a man or still a toddler.

These two are a great weird match.
Atleast they are happy.

She pokes onto my belly and pulls on her cutest face which you will ever see and points out "what about that charming office guy of yours, any development?"

My face flushed and my cheeks turned into hue of crimson red so i snapped my head , she can't notice.

"I-.. There are no development at all.. Our cabins are at different floors and we never ever see each other at canteen cause I bring my own lunch most of the times."

"Uhuh so you actually want some development " She teased me further and I am not having it at any cost.

"If that was what I wanted, I would have never brought my lunch liyasii".

"Then don't bring your lunch and go eat with him. Who is stopping you from doing that"

Don't ask me to do that little girl, the scene you will get to see will fill you with jealousy. All the girls of our department and others as well gather around him, the canteen looks like a fish market.

A couple of days ago, I went there to eat with him. As I entered I got to see that all the girls are around him asking if he wants to eat anything from their lunches. Goshhh, if you brought your lunch go eat in your cabin.
But then again, how will they get to see him.

He waved his hands towards me to call me, but due to the traffic jam around him, I have to eat my lunch on another bench far away from him.

From that day only I promised myself that i will never be going to have my lunch in canteen.

But I am not going to tell you my story little girl, cuz I don't want to be teased by you all day.

Tae:- Alright, I need to leave now, I have a meeting scheduled in one hour.
Y/Dad:- okay take the lunch box with you, I prepared it for you.
Tae:- no uncle there's no need of that, I will have my lunch in canteen.
Y/Dad:- take it with you, it's my order.
Tae:- uhh sure, hyun kyu should I drop you.
Y/N:- no tae, people will see that.
Hyun kyu:- ye hyung, I also don't want that. You dropped me last time, you remember, you don't have to trouble yourself. Okay bye

Tae came towards us with light steps and came behind liya placing a soft kiss on her cheeks and I cringed.

"Oh god, you guys get married now"
I said, I am embarrassed more than them.

They just chuckle behind me.

After the troublesome trio left the house I helped my father to clear up everything and I went back to my room.

Today is Friday and because I had been working overtime the whole week, so i was rewarded with a holiday today.

Taking heavy steps towards my room I looked over at the window sill looking at the dust particles.

I took a small piece of cloth to clear the window and then I looked over at someone coming out of a very luxurious car but i cannot see his face clearly coz he is wearing a mask. Behind him, stands another man who looks etheral. I cannot define how handsome and surreal he looks like. I rubbed against my eyes to form a clear picture because this doesn't feel real. He is too handsome to be true.

They walked over and went to Namjoon's house. I think they are his friends. Of course he himself is so handsome, his guest will be too.

I went to my room to check on some e-mail I might have received from work and there is one. To my delight it is from Jimin. With exited eyes, I opened it to see and there's attached a file.
I opened that as well and I saw an application to be filled if I am interested in the employee development program.

Uhh, what did you expect y/n, a date proposal on none other place then an email. You are living in one livid dream which you should come out from now.

But i am curious about the guy from back who was with the other handsome lad.

I wish I had a boyfriend like him.
I know I should not be jealous of my best friend but tae is also hot af and his man spreading uff.. Girl what are you thinking about. You pervert.

I closed my laptop and placed it on the table to continue dusting my room.

That is one way I use to destress myself.


To be continued

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