Episode 8

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The next morning

Jungkook: appa good morning, you and eomma are leaving today for US?

He enquired as he came downstairs when his eyes saw some suitcases and trolley bags.

Mr. Jeon: aahh! No, we are not going today. These are the things of your new secretary.

For the first time jungkook wanted to be funny with his dad. So he went near and said
"Is she a girl? "
But he got a smack in return from his mother.
Jungkook: eomma, I was just playing around. Why do you have to hit a 24 year old young man.
Mrs. Jeon: a man with a filthy mouth is all that I hate. We will never appoint a woman secretary for you knowing that you can do something wrong to her.

"When did I do something wrong to any woman" He mumbled under his breath.

"It's okay jungkookah!!
We will find you the best girl in this world " Said his father smiling at his family.

"No need, I already found her" He said. A huge grin appears on his. But disappears as he realised what has slipped out of his mouth

"Who is she, where you met? Do we also know her? What does she do? " His mother flooded him with a lot of question.

"Uhmm, let's not talk about this now. Who is going to be my secretary. I didn't see him even, where he is? " Jungkook turned up trying to change the topic.

There enters MR. JUNG HOSOEK.
"Yes, he is your secretary from now. " Mr. Jeon said .

"Hobi Hyung, where have you been for so many years. We didn't get to meet each other after college. I missed you so much." Jungkook said jumping around looking like a boba ball.

"Aahh!! Kookie, I missed you too." Hosoek said with a cute heart shaped smile on his face.

When the lost brothers were about to hug each other, Mr. Jeon came in between amd said with a stern voice
don't call him kookie.

Jungkook paced slowly towards his father.
Jungkook: appa, he is my best friend. It's fine if he calls me by any name. Let him be.
Mr. Jeon: no jungkook, it's business time. He can't call you like that. He reprimanded his son for his childish behavior.

Jungkook understood and went back with a disappointed look. Not only he was scolded in front of his friend but also his secretary.

His mother slightly patted his back to make him relax.

Hosoek: sorry sir, I will call him as master only. I apologize.
Mr. Jeon: okay! Just don't repeat this mistake.

I met hobi Hyung when we were in college. I still remember that silly moments till now.

I cried really hard that day because Jin hyung went to another city to join an engineering college. I and Namjoon hyung were left in the dorm alone. So a new student joined in our dorm. He had a cute heart shaped smile.

He entered into our room. But when he saw me crying he immediately placed both of his hands on my back to make me feel good. I slept that night hugging him. We were the best trio of our college.

And I just have to figure where da f is Namjoon and Jin hyung are. Then it is all settled. We 4 just like before will be reunited.

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