10: a blonde surprise

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They arrive and it's very spacious.

Aomine: And that's why you're not his type, y/n.

Everyone laughs again.

Murasakibara: I'm so hungry.

Kise: same.

Momoi: Can anyone cook?

Kagami: Actually I can.

Momoi: You can!?!?

Kagami: yeah-

y/n: do you live by yourself?

Kagami: Yeah, that's how I learned to cook.

y/n: then... who's this?

She points to the girl sleeping in one of the rooms

Kagami: Omg Alex, you came from America?

Alex: Huh? Oh Kagami, you're back!

Kise: Wait, you have a girlfriend? Aw why don't I have one!?? *insert Kise sulking 😭😪

y/n: Alexandra Garcia. American basketballer. A champion in the college tournament NCAA as a member of the UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles). She was forced to retire from professional basketball when an unknown disease impaired her vision. Unable to cope with it, she went to betting courts on the streets to play basketball for money.

Alex: y/n y/l/n, very knowledgeable, as I expected.

y/n: why thank you.

Kagami: Alex taught me how to play basketball .

Alex: Yeah, but then you ran away to Japan before I could fully teach you.

Kagami: What are you doing here?

Alex: I came to watch your crazy match next week.

y/n: Sorry to interrupt but i think I'm going to head to bed now!

Kuroko: what? But you haven't even eaten yet.

y/n: It's fine, don't worry about it, I just need some space to think.

She leaves in a hurry to an empty room and Midorima follows, his face sullen and full of anger and regret.

Kuroko: Midorima-kun .

Midorima: hmm? He mumbles, temporarily changing his focus.

Kuroko: you should stop blaming yourself.

Midorima: mmhm.

He leaves and Aomine, Kuroko, Momoi, Akashi, Kise, Kagami, Alex and Murasakibara remain. Kagami and Murasakibara are cooking.

Alex: What happened?

Aomine explains what happened

Alex: So he's blaming himself for not doing anything?

Kise: Yeah but he did try, it's not like he froze or anything.

Momoi: It's just something that only time can heal, I suppose.

Alex: So y/n, how's she dealing with it?

Kuroko: to be honest, not well. She got angry when we were talking about it earlier, but most of that was the medicine's side effects. Just now, I could read her emotions off of her face.

Kagami: What do you mean?

Kise: One of y/n-cchi's best traits is her crazy poker face. It's very rare that you can read what she is thinking or feeling, she conceals her emotions from everyone.

Momoi: Her guard has been broken down.

Alex: people shouldn't conceal their emotions.

Aomine: I don't think she conceals it like that. She lets her emotions out in different ways. Like through sports for example. Or to Midorima, I would imagine, but it doesn't look like he's in the best state right now to help her.

Akashi: sorry but I think I'll head to bed too. Don't worry, I ate earlier.

Kise: Akashicchi, you should talk to one of them.

Akashi: what?

Kise: Midorimacchi would usually make y/n-cchi feel better, but you used to make us all feel better in junior school. It might work!

Akashi: Alright.

A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter 🥲 pls forgive me 💀🤚

Kise: it's ok author-cchi, I forgive you 💞💞💞💞

A/N: aww thanks Kise-

Kise: it's ok, can I have a girlfriend now????

A/N: bruh what-💀

Kasamatsu: KISE STOP ANNOYING AUTHOR-CHAN WITH YOUR PROBLEMS *insert a kick to Kise's face 🦵👶

A/N: thanks Kasamatsu, anywhoo next chapters coming ☺️✌️

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