6: no more crying in the club

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y/n starts sprinting out of the gym followed by the other players.

Akashi: he what?

Midorima: This guy can be so stupid sometimes.

Aomine: he's bold though.

When they arrive they see Kuroko on the floor with Nash standing over him, the other Jabberwock members standing on guard.


The entire team flooded one side of the room, encompassing Kuroko. Midorima and Kise kneel down to Kuroko. Aomine and Kagami at the front, ready to throw a punch. y/n was also near the front but by Midorima. Everyone is angry, but y/n was something else.

Silver: woah, some decent monkeys, and...is that a girl?

Nash: You're right Silver. Hey Princess, what are you doing in a place like this?

Midorima: Don't you dare talk to her like that!

Nash walks over to y/n, no longer affected by Kuroko and stops right in her face.

Nash: Are you gonna answer me or stand there looking pretty?

y/n: neither.

Midorima: Get away from her! He says standing up and moving towards Nash.

But Nash is quick to move and yanks y/n's green ponytail towards him, and arm comfortably around her neck, holding her in a tight headlock.

Nash: Not so fast Shrek.

Midorima: what did you just say?

Akashi: Let go of her right now, that's an order!

All of the players are now standing and fuming. y/n's completely black eyes were filling slowly with tears, her neutral face full with sadness. Midorima looked at her eyes. She wanted his help. The first time she looked at him, pleading for him to help her.

Nash: You know what? I want to add on to the bet the old man made. You don't have to slit your stomach open at all if you lose. No. I have a much better proposal. If you lose, then Princess over here is mine.

Midorima: WHAT? He says in anger, he goes to punch Nash in the face but is stopped quickly by Silver. Silver locks Midorima's hands tight, teasing and tormenting him.

Coach: No deal.

Nash: Oh, that wasn't something to negotiate, it is already a term on the agreement, seeing as we never originally chose a punishment for you.

Kagami: Let go of them both.

Nash whispers something in y/n's ear. They see her boil with more anger but in a split second she flushes her expression to a neutral tone, tears stop building up. Both of her eyes were now bloodshot white.

Nash: I knew it. This pretty doll here means a lot to all of you. Well if you don't like that term then I guess we'll just pay a nice visit to the Princess's family, yeah?

Adira(y/n): Well the jokes on you- She says bringing a sharp elbow to his face, breaking out of the headlock- all of her family are already dead.

(A/N: you will meet Adira properly later, but for now just know that Adira is basically y/n's alter ego that appears when y/n's any of y/n's eyes are white!)

Nash quickly brings a hand to his bleeding nose, Midorima breaks free of Silver's grasp and rushes over to y/n.

Kuroko: stop, we settle this on the court!

Silver: don't forget to bring your diapers next week, you big babies!

The team retreat with anger and y/n and midorima hold each other on the way out.

Midorima: I'm sorry nanodayo.

Adira(y/n): it's fine, Shintaro.

Kagami: Kuroko, y/n are you okay?

Kuroko: I'm fine, sorry y/n-san and you too Adira-san.

Adira(y/n): It's fine.

Akashi: It's not fine.

Adira(y/n): I'm not going to argue this one, I'll leave y/n to deal with this.

Her eyes turn back to their original black colour now.

Kise: y/n-cchi-

y/n: I just need to get my medicine okay, we can talk about this later.

Midorima sees her on the verge of fainting so carries her on his back.

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