31: Shooting for her heart

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Adira: That's my 6 minutes up!

Kise: you called a timeout... TO TELL US THAT?!?!

Adira: No Kise, i was going to tell you about my plans for the last 2 minutes. I would appreciate it if you shut up now.

Kise: sorry Adiracchi.

Momoi: Go ahead Adira-san!

Adira: As i've already hinted, I want Shintaro to take the last 2 minutes of the game, just him.

Midorima: understood, nanodayo!

Adira: I want to bring you into the zone-

Aomine: not to be rude, but what would Midorima do in the zone? Shoot from the other side of the world?

Akashi: No Daiki, he'd be able to move faster with his shots rather than taking his time and his defence would increase.

Adira: anyway as i was saying, i will only keep you in the zone if you make a certain amount of shots.

Midorima: how many?

Adira: Well, how many months have you and y/n been together?

Midorima: this is our 24th month.

Adira: well if you want to see y/n again for your anniversary, that's the amount of points you have to increase the score by, and that's the minimum by the way.

Midorima: Understood, nanodayo.

Adira: everyone else must make sure that Shintaro gets the ball without anyone else getting in his way, so defence must be tight.

Momoi: So Midorin has to score 8 three-pointers, as a minimum, in 2 minutes?

Adira: that's correct.


Making their way back, they notice that the time out gave Jabberwock the time they needed to cool their heads.

On the bench..

Kise: I know we needed that time-out but Jabberwock are in their optimal conditions to play now.

Hyuga: Though that is true, it won't matter now. Adira holds the most power on the court and along with Midorima in the zone, there's nothing left for them to do.

Alex: yeah i agree, unless they have some special trump card to play, it's over for them.

Momoi: I wouldn't rule them out just yet...

In the game...

The buzzer sounds again, and Adira takes hold of the ball, Nash quickly mobilises and blocks her path, anticipating her movements. She notices that he's regained his stamina but doesn't show any sign of acknowledgement of her plan. She dribbles and fakes an ankle-breaker. Nash shifts his weight, waiting to surprise her but instead she passes to Midorima who is already mid air, his hands ready to receive the ball. He scores a three-pointer. As he lands, his eyes glow a monstrous green.

Aomine: he's finally in!

Adira smirks and nods to the other player, in which they nod back, deeping their stances and preparing for their opponents moves. Midorima was fully in the zone now, alongside Aomine and Akashi. Adira decided to give Kuroko an extra boost seeing as she hadn't got anyone in the zone at the moment. This meant everyone was playing at their hardest. Everytime Jabberwock got hold of the ball, it wasn't a matter of time until Vorpal Swords regained it and passed it to Midorima for his three-pointer. A minute had passed and Jabberwock hadn't been able to score yet but Midorima has successfully scored 4 of his three-pointers, only 4 more left. Silver was starting to get annoyed again, and forcefully intercepted the ball that Kuroko had sent. He charged his way over to the hoop only for Aomine to get in his way. As Silver went to do a lay up, Aomine jumped before him and slightly touched the ball, making the ball bounce off of the rim. Midorima retrieved the rebound and successfully scored another three-pointer.

To himself...
Kuroko: only three more left-

As the ball gently swooshed through the net, Jabberwock had only 5 seconds to make a quick return before the game resetted, so Nash stole possession of the ball and attempted to play one of midorima's shots. Adira noticed that Nash had planted his feet into the ground. He wasn't planning to dunk the ball. She ran, sprinted over to where he was: on the other side of the court. He was gonna do Midorima's shot. As he started to bend his knees the other players started to catch on. He was going to jump. She was much shorter than him, she would never be able to reach his jump. Raising off the ground (A/N: LMAO that's sounds so funny), she had finally reached him and began to jump aswell. Hands reaching up, she wan't going to reach. It was then she noticed Nash's eye twitch and she felt a shadow behind her. Falling back down before them, she saw Midorima. He successfully intercepted Nash's attempt and did the unthinkable. On his decent down, he managed to dunk the ball in the hoop.

Astonished, the players all look over to the carrot, watching his monotone lips slightly raise. 30 SECONDS LEFT!! Midorima still needed to get 7 more points. Seeing as he just score a two-pointer, it messed it all up, it meant he still needs to score 3 more three-pointers. With the clock starting up again, Adira was adamant to get the ball to Midorima but Jabberwock had now understood their plan. Three of the Jabberwock members started to triple team Midorima, Silver being one of them.

Adira: those assholes are going to take Shintaro out of the Zone by doing that.
(A/N: sorry about the language 😞🤚)

Noticing Midorima's zone starting to fade, Adira decides to finally share some of her power to keep him in the zone until the end. Having Midorima triple-teamed left Aomine and Kuroko unguarded and free to intercept the ball unnoticed. Still determined to get Midorima to take the 3 shots, Adira gets the ball to Kuroko who skillfully gets the ball past the Jabberwock players, right into Midorima's hands for him to shoot, which he does.


Momoi: they're not going to make it..

Kise: they will!


Still triple teamed.


Akashi had the ball now, sending it straight to Kuroko, to avoid Nash


Kuroko got it to Adira who did an anklebreaker on Silver, making him drop to the floor: an opening for Midorima.


Jumping, Midorima receives the ball and scores his penultimate three-pointer.

10 seconds left.

The defence was tight.


Nash got the ball.


Akashi was on him like a hawk.


Nash just kept stalling.


Akashi tried to tap the ball, but Nash moved skillfully away from him but


... right into Adira.

Referee: FOULLL!

The whistle was blown and the timer was stopped. Adira was given a free shot. Scoring a three-pointer was all that happened before the game was resumed.


Adira was on the ball, Akashi and Aomine carefully screened out Silver and the other two giving Adira the chance to pass the ball.


But Nash appeared out of nowhere in her path.


Throwing the ball randomly, she hoped Kuroko would be there.


A/N: what a cliffhanger, am I right? Anywhooo hope you enjoyed that chapter 😀, see you in the next one

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