13: meeting the queen and her demon

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    Insert flashback...

Akashi: Yes, of course.

Aomine: yeah, you can practise with the second string.

y/n: why is that?

Aomine: we are probably a bit too extreme for you and your team, they should be the right level for you.

y/n: i think i can decide perfectly well who is on the right level for me, and i'm sorry but that second string won't do.

Aomine: someone's cocky.

y/n: I could say the same about you.

Akashi: y/n how about you show them in a match.

y/n: you took the words right out of my mouth, who do you guys want me to play, you chose.

Kise: can we choose who you play with too?

y/n: knock yourself out!

Akashi: Daiki can choose.

Aomine: ok captain. You can go against me, if you're so confident, Princess. 1 on 1.

y/n: you sure you don't want to do a 3 on 1?

Aomine: what? Are you finally realising you can't take me on by yourself?

y/n: Oh you misunderstood, i'll be the 1 and you make up a team of 3.

    Aomine was bubbling in anger but y/n kept her face neutral.

Aomine: A 1 on 1 is fine, thanks. Through gritted teeth

y/n: no problem! She says innocently

She ties her jet black hair behind her and into a ponytail. She eases into position and without a blink of fear or hesitation forces herself into the zone. Her iris black, but a glowing outline now appeared.

Aomine: did you just-

y/n: don't speak in my presence you peasant.

Her aura had dramatically changed, like how Akashi would when he would use his emperor eye, she was speaking like he would, she was...impersonating him?

With the others, who are watching on the sidelines.

Kise: she just entered the zone!

Midorima: by force, how amazing! Seijuro, what is her sign?

Akashi: {insert your star sign}.

Midorima: noted.

Kuroko: She looks like you right now Akashi-kun.

Akashi: yeah, she's impersonating me right now, that means she can do all of the skills I can do, like using my emperor's eye.

Kise: she can do what?!?!

The game.

Her eyes were different colours now, one was brown and one was black, a bit like Akashi's. She intercepted the ball from Aomine after predicting his move. Her eyes go a green colour and she stands over half the court away from the hoop. Aomine looks at her in confusion. She can't shoot from there, right?

Midorima: my three-pointer, but she's outside my range.

Kise: and her eyes are green too, did you see?

Akashi: she's impersonating Shintaro now.

Midorima: So she's like Kise?

Akashi: hmm, a bit yes, but her greatest weapon is her amazingly accurate ability to predict things. She has an eye greater than mine: the Belial eye also known as the Demon eye. She can not only predict people's moves but can tell what a player's style is from just looking at them. I'm sure she can also see how that person will progress in their skill, for example she can see that Shintaro will be able to shoot from that distance in the future.

the queen and her demon (midorima shintaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now