5: akashi vs y/n

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y/n: Sei, you and me.

Akashi: Are you sure you wanna do that?

y/n: what is with your ego today?

Akashi: Nothing!

Kuroko and Kagami aside.

Kagami: How will this work?

Kuroko: Erm, like normal I guess. You only get 10 minutes though and you gotta score as many points in that time.

Kagami: right. Who chooses who to play who?

Kuroko: You just call it out I guess and challenge someone. They chose whether to accept or not.

Kagami: Who do you think will win this?

Kuroko + Kise: y/n(-cchi)

Kuroko: Oh hi Kise-kun.

Kise: Hey Kurokocchi!

Kagami: Why do you both think y/n will?

Kise: just watch.

Y/n starts with the ball, her green-dyed hair tied back and concentration flooding her face. She was an entirely different person. She didn't need to spread her energy through a team this time, just herself. Akashi, also concentrating, cracks his neck in preparation. His heterochromic eyes glowing different colours: one red and the other orange.

Kise: Woah, Akashicchi just entered the zone.

Aomine: By force?

Kise: Yeah!

Aomine: Wow, the game hasn't even started yet.

Kuroko: How can you tell?

Kise: his eyes, they're glowing.

y/n smiles. She makes her heterochromic eyes match his: though one is black and the other a bone chilling white. They glow brighter.

Kagami: Wait, did y/n just enter the zone too?

Aomine: Yeah she did, this game will be hella interesting.

Kagami: Why are their eyes different colours though?

Kuroko: How do I explain this?

Aomine: well, you can think of it as they both have two sides to them, a bit like an altar ego.

Kise: Yeah, Akashicchi is known to always have his superior ego: the one that always says he is supreme. That side to Akashicchi is a controlling and dominating character and you can tell which side he is on by his eyes.

Aomine: If they are two different colours then that's his altar ego. He is always usually with that side of him.

Kise: When he has his heterochromic eyes then that means he is using his Emperor eye.

Kuroko: The Emperor eye is a term referring to the eyes with the observational ability to accurately predict the future. The user has the ability to predict the movements of the opponents.

Kagami: So y/n has the same eye then?

Kise: No-

Aomine: She has the Belial eye.

Kagami: what's that-

Aomine: It's like the next stage. The Belial (Demon) Eye possesses similar abilities to Izuki's Eagle Eye, Takao's Hawk Eye, Kuroko's Quasi-Emperor Eye and Akashi's Emperor Eye.

Kise: So basically the stages go from an Eagle to a Hawk to Emperor to Belial.

Kagami: Okay, so why are her eyes black if her hair is green?

(A/N: in this series the hair colour of the character  matches the colour of their eyes)

Kise: y/n-cchi dyed her hair to match Midorimacchi.

Aomine: Why? Just cus she felt like it or sommet?

Kuroko: I think it was trauma related. She didn't want her hair colour to remind her of it so she dyed it.

Kagami: So who do you think will win now?

Kise + Aomine: still y/n(-cchi)

Kuroko: but it will be a very tight one.

Momoi: I dunno guys, she was ill earlier, she might not have recovered yet.

Midorima: trust me when i say that it won't matter if she hasn't recovered. She would practice blindfolded, with only one hand or literally by walking to improve her abilities. Also she's in the zone.

The game starts and y/n starts to dribble the ball, never taking her eyes off Akashi. He does likewise.

Kise: why isn't akashi-chi looking at the ball?

Aomine: Well if you look at the ball you are more susceptible to being tricked. That team Jabberwock was doing that a lot with the ball. Take Tetsu for example, his tricks work because the players are too focused on the ball and not him.

Akashi snatches the ball effortlessly and races towards the net, but y/n doesn't fall too far behind. He shoots but y/n intercepts. She lands and pivots directly towards her net.

Kise: Midorima-chi.

Midorima: yeah I know. She can do all of my shots.

She lands the ball perfectly in the hoop without hitting the rim and the buzzer sounds, changing the score. The pace of the game was quite fast but no-one left the zone.

Aomine: Basically, whoever leaves the zone first loses.

Riko's dad (referred to as coach) enters the gym.

Coach: y/n, thankyou for organising this, sorry i'm late, i have been dealing with some... issues.

Riko: What issues?

Coach: oh nothing, just Jabberwock.

Riko: Why are you sorting them out?

Coach: urgh, because i extended their stay... at my expense.

He gets a phone call and he scoffs in anger.

Coach: Sorry guys, I've got to go sort out another problem. They are causing trouble in a club now!

He leaves, y/n and Akashi continues playing throughout his entire entrance.

Aomine: Guys?

Momoi: what is it?

Aomine: anyone see where Tetsu went?

y/n drops the ball and looks at Aomine in fear.

y/n: You don't think...he's gone with the coach. To talk to Jabberwock?!

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