11: a hit of realisation

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Akashi: y/n?

y/n: yeah, come in.

Akashi: Where's Shintaro-

y/n: he went out for a walk.

Akashi: through the window?

y/n: he didn't really want to cause a fuss.

Akashi: y/n, I could keep apologising to you but I know what you would say. We all are angry, you know that, we know that. They had no right. But, we can only change the future now. The past, no matter how horrible or how torturous it was, it's unchangable. Remember, you used to say that.

y/n: Sei-

Akashi: You know why I know that? Because that's what you said when your family died. You said that there was no point dwelling on the past anymore, it will only ruin the future. I'm not saying we should brush past what happened-

y/n: Seijuro.

Akashi: No, don't cut me off this time-

y/n; sorry.

Akashi: Look, you know this better than I do. We can't waste time sulking or praying for the past to change, because it won't. We need to win this match.

y/n: I understand.  But I'm not the only one who needs to hear this. You do. Shintaro does. Ryota, Tetsu, Taiga, Aomine, Atsushi. They do too. And I'm sorry. For making you worry. But i've come to realise everything that's happened, has happened for a reason and i'm okay with that.

Akashi; What do you mean?

y/n: Everyone needs time to process things, feel emotions about things. I have always been a person that grieves quickly and completes the process in a stupidly fast way. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I have moved past today's incident. I've decided to channel my emotions into one thing. The game.

    Akashi hugs y/n.

Akashi; I'm glad you feel that way..

y/n: hah, thanks. How did I deserve such a great best friend like you?

    He twinges slightly at the word friend but returns to normality before y/n notices.

Akashi: Hah, I'm always here for you y/n. But so is Shintaro, you should go talk to him.

y/n: I'm never good at cheering people up, or talking to people like this.

Akashi: You'll be fine, I think it's different when it comes to you two. You'll find a way!

y/n: Alright, thanks.

Akashi: I'm heading to bed.

y/n: Take this. She throws him a ready noodle pot, yk what I'm on abt. I know you skipped your meal to get away from the conversation. I did the same.

Akashi: Thanks, you didn't have to.

y/n: I couldn't just let you starve Sei!

Akashi: of course you couldn't. He adds with a chuckle, dropping his head slightly.

y/n: well you should go eat, i'll go find Shin! Goodnight, love you.

And with that, she climbs through the window and straightaway walks in a particular direction, certain she knows where he is. Akashi smiles and leaves through the door of her room to the hallway to find the next empty room.

Akashi: i wish you really did love me the way you love him...

A/N: ooooooo Akashiii, what a depressing life you have rn.

Akashi: it's all your fault A/N, why don't you get them to break up?

A/N: Akashi you know I can't do that, Midorima will beat me up.

Akashi: I'll protect you then.

A/N: bruh 💀 anyway hope you liked that chapter-

Akashi; I did not-

A/N: I wasn't talking to you, you spoilt brat.

Akashi: what did you just say? 😃✂️

A/N: calm down man. Anywaysss, imma go hide in the next chapter, bye 👋

Akashi: leave a vote or I'll whip my scissors out ✂️


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