8: the scramble for medicine

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here's the next chapter, enjoy :) don't forget to leave a vote or comment if you like the story 🙂 anywhoooo the story ..

Akashi: Ryota do you have the empty packet, it should have the name of the medicine on it.

Kuroko: yeah but it wasn't common medicine, guys, it won't just be in the pharmacy!

Kise: It might, and if not they might realise how strange it is and realise her condition and get the correct medicine.

Kuroko: That made no sense.

Kise: you're so mean Kurokocchi.

Akashi: Ryota?

Kise: Oh right, yeah I still have it.

Midorima: You know Kise, you can be smart sometimes.

Kise: Hey, what's that supposed to mean Midorimacchi?

Akashi: Give it.

Kise: No, no I can handle it.

Akashi: This is no time to be competing with me Ryota.

Kise: I'm not competing, I was just saying I already have the thing so I can go get it.

Aomine: How about you both go, yeah?

Both: Fine.

Aomine: Gosh looks like they're gonna need a babysitter, Tetsu?

Kuroko: I don't wanna go.

Aomine: I don't wanna go. So you gotta.

Kuroko: what! It was your idea.

Aomine: yeah but who got y/n into this mess?

Kuroko: me. He says looking down.

y/n: It's not Tetsu's fault, I went myself, by my own free will. She says, randomly, making everyone jump

Midorima: You're up, you feeling okay?

y/n: yeah, yeah, fine. Just don't blame Tetsu please, It's not his fault. It's theirs.

Aomine: You're right, sorry Tetsu, I didn't mean it like that.

Kuroko: It's fine, I'll go with them.

The three of them left, y/n, midorima, aomine, and kagami are left, still making their way back to the gymnasium where the others are.

y/n: Shin, I don't mind walking now!

Midorima: Okay nanodayo.

Aomine: So BAKA-gami?

Kagami: huh? What DID YOU CALL ME, AHOmine?

Aomine: EH? What position are you playing?

Kagami: ace or power forward, why?

Aomine: well y/n will play point guard and I usually play power forward so you can't.

Kagami: What do you mean I can't?

Y/n: Aomine, stop rattling Taiga up. I choose the positions not you guys.

Aomine: So who's gonna play power forward?

y/n: we will discuss this tomorrow guys!

Kagami: Come on, please?

Aomine; Yeah, please?

y/n: since when have you ever listened to what I say Aomine?

Aomine: I'm a changed person!

Y/n: no you're not!

Aomine: me coming back to play with you proves I'm a changed person.

y/n: no you came to play because (1) you were angry, (2) because you were told to come and (3) because you see them as 'worthy opponents'.

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