52: she's back.

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Midorimas POV

Today's lucky item: a fork.

I head down to the cafeteria to grab one of the forks before making my way back to patrolling the hallways.

I would've gone to y/n but she's never apart from Seijuro, which, i won't lie, hurt.

Yeah, it hurts so much. The one person you loved so much and confided in, was fully convinced she was dating your best friend.

I have to fight back the urge to just break down in the middle of the hallways so that people don't worry too much. I hate when people worry about me.

So my new routine everyday is to wander the halls of the hospital before playing with Himemi and helping my parents out where I can.

One thing I'm grateful for recently, however, is Takao.

I know that's not something I'd normally say, but my life isn't normal anymore, and he's been a great help to me, filling in for y/n where he can, even if it's just both of us in silence in a room, it brings me comfort.

And today, like all days, nothing was different, just doing the same routine I've done for the past few weeks until I heard an unfamiliar noise.

Well it's not unfamiliar but, in terms of my usual daily routine, this was not one of them.

I looked over to the board to see which patients' vitals were spiking until I saw the name.

Seijuro Akashi.

Shouting for my parents, I rush to Seijuro's room, hearing a commotion building behind me.

I noticed y/n was sitting in her usual seat, but she wasn't holding Seijuro's hand like she normally did. Instead, she was staring at him with worry, confused by the mass of noises.

My parents had arrived by now and were monitoring his vitals until there was a slight movement in his hand.

I wasn't sure whether it was a muscle spasm or voluntary hand movement until his fingers slowly started to curl a little.

It was dead silent in the room.

Did Momoi say something just now? I don't know, I can't even think straight.

Then abruptly, y/n stood up from her chair, not looking at Seijuro, but at us.

It was only now that I noticed, everyone had piled into the room to see what was happening, and only now that I realised, everyone was looking at y/n.

Her black glossy eyes seemed different, yes they were teary right now but, something was different, like they were suddenly flooded with life- wait.

Why was she crying?

Instinctively, I reached for her but pulled back just as fast as I remembered that I'm not her boyfriend anymore.

What could I do?

How was i-

Then a tear dropped from her eye, before rushing out of the room.

I didn't think twice before following her out, hearing someone else behind me too.

"y/n!" I called, still following her as she ran down the halls.

Where was she running to?

Himemi, who seemed to have just woken up, was waddling around in her bunny pajamas, her stuffed green bunny in her arms.

It's been hard trying to explain to Himemi that y/n didn't remember her, or that she wasn't my girlfriend anymore. When I tried to explain, she burst out into tears and screamed at me, telling me I was lying.

After that, I gave up trying to explain to her.

"Ne-chan? Why are you crying?" Himemi said, looking worried.

I didn't expect y/n to stop and respond to Himemi calling her ne-chan, but she did.

She stopped in her tracks, frozen before Himemi waddled to her, hugging her leg "Please don't be sad ne-chan."

It took y/n a moment before moving to pick Himemi up and kissing her cheek "I'm sorry Himi-chan, I won't cry anymore, I promise" She replied, stroking my sister's hair as she hugged her.

Hearing that nickname seemed so foreign, so wrong but...

She remembered her.

"You remember her?" I heard the voice behind me squeak. Takao.

y/n paused before slowly turning to face us, her eyes glassy and red as she slowly nodded.

"Wait so-" I started before she stopped me.

"Yes. I remember everything Shin"

I blinked a few times, overwhelmed with everything, Takao being the only one able to speak.

"Why are you running y/n?"

"Cus I-...it all just suddenly hit me...all at once, all the memories came flooding back. And looking at you all, especially you Shin, I...just couldn't...help but feel so..." She trailed off, lowering her head in shame.

My body moved by itself and embraced her, something i've wanted...no, needed to do for so long, only this time, she embraced me back, her hot tears hitting my shirt as she quietly sobbed, with Himemi's little hand, patting her head.

"I'm so sorry Shin..." She whispered amongst her sobs as I rubbed circles on her back.

"It's okay, nanodayo" I muttered, resting my chin on her head and closing my eyes as she cried, not realising I too was crying until Himemi exclaimed I was making her hand wet.

A/N: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (you're welcome guys, it's gonna be a happy ending) <3

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