54: Released

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After Midorima's parents give y/n a final check up, they finally allow her dismissal from the hospital, welcoming her to stay at the family house for a while instead of her apartment.

"thank you oka-san and otu-san" Y/n says as she hugs them both in turn.

"Of course y/n, we're just glad you're back," Midorima's mom replies, squeezing her tight and kissing her forehead with a huge smile.

Time skippu~

Midorima and y/n headed to the family home first, leaving the others at the hospital.

"y/n?" Midorima started, he was standing by his side of the bed, while y/n was opposite him, by her side.

"mhm?" She hums, lifting her eyes to meet him as she unpacked her bag onto the bed.

"Are you hungry, nanodayo?" He asked, his face seemed emotionless but his eyes showed it all.

She thinks for a moment before replying "uhh no im alright for now, are you hungry?", finishing what she was doing and walking back to Midorima, draping her arms around his neck.

"No i'm alright as well," he answered, wrapping his arms around her waist and staring into her black orbs.

" Let's just watch a movie and cuddle then?" She suggests as she smiles more, tilting her head a little.

He couldn't help but smile at how cute she was, "Sure, what movie, nanodayo?"

Her eyes light up before grinning evilly "horror." Midorima frowns.

"nooo you know i don't like horror, 'nadayo." He whines like a child, giving her pleading eyes.

y/n giggles once more and scruffs up his once neat and tidy hair, leaving it messy like a bird's nest.

Midorima groans, jokingly pushing her away and combing his hair again, using the camera on his phone to see his reflection.

y/n giggles to herself as she wanders into the kitchen.

Taking her time to look around the hallways and the kitchen, she noted all the things that seemed different from her memory. For starters, the kitchen was more messy than usual. Well, messy for the Midorima family, who take pride in ensuring they are the tidiest people you can ever meet.

The kitchen was still clean to most people, but for y/n, she could see the thin layer of dust built up on the counters, slight limescale building around the tap and the slowly dying flowers in the vase.

She realised they hadn't been back at the house for a few days or even weeks now.

'Did they stay at the hospital the whole time then?'

She frowned a little before taking the dying flowers from the vase and throwing them out, before wiping the untouched surfaces and the sink.

She wouldn't have realised how long she'd taken if it weren't for Midorima coming into the room.

"Ah y/n, you don't have to do that-"

"It's alright Shin, I'll feel better if I was able to help you guys out where I can. You guys are family to me, so it's fine." She flashed a smile before washing her hands and facing him.

"Damn, I almost forgot how stubborn you can be, nanodayo" He chuckled lightly as he pushed his glasses up.

y/n flashed a bright smile before remembering why she even entered the kitchen "Oh yeah, I came in here to make popcorn for us!"

"I thought you weren't hungry though"

"Well, it won't hurt to eat some popcorn, don't ya think?" she replies, giving him puppy eyes and a cunning grin.

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