48: The Curse

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Masaomi's pov:

It's only been three weeks and they're all over each other. Constantly glued to one another. Even publicly changing their relationship status to 'dating'.

Quite revolting in my opinion.

The way she emotionally captured Tadao. He runs around like a sad dog for her now, doing all of her weird bidding.

You'd think I was jealous. Maybe I am. But I guess I'm just furious at the way she treats him. The way she takes control over him.

Their relationship isn't even a genuine one, she's only doing it for another motive, a motive I'm still searching for.

Tadao doesn't even hang out with me much either, only when he can't seem to find his adoring girlfriend but even then, it's very rare for them to be apart.

At the present time I'm currently searching everything I can about this girl.

Why didn't I recognise her in that first chemistry lesson we had? I know the entire school body and I could've sworn I'd never noticed her before.

So why is she such a prominent role in my life now?

And why Tadao? Well that one's a pretty easy one to answer actually. He already had an emotional attachment to her, the easiest target for her to get her hands on.

"Okay class, settle down, get your books out and listen up!" I was startled slightly when my teacher broke me out of my thoughts.

"Akashi-san!" The teacher says.

"Yes, miss?"

"Where's your lab partner?"

Very confused, I look to my left and realise that Sunako wasn't there.

"She was most definitely in school today, I'm absolutely sure."

Where was she? Is she with Tadao?

"Well you can't complete this experiment without your lab partner, so go and find her please."


"Okay miss!" I respond with a smile and leave the classroom.

She must be with Tadao, I should ring him.

Masaomi rings Tadao on his phone but it goes straight to voicemail.

He never turns his phone off, something is wrong.

Masaomi runs over to Tadao's locker, where his shoes should be, but they're gone.

He's left school. Where's Sunako's locker?

As Masaomi tends to third wheel the couple, he knows where both of their lockers are and funnily enough, her shoes were missing too.

I should be able to track one of their phones, will Tadao's phone still show his location even if it's off? I hope not.

A/n: I am way too lazy to drag this out so imma quickly skip to where Masaomi has successfully tracked Tadao's phone!

YES I'VE FOUND HIM! But why is he there?

Masaomi looks at his location in complete confusion, in an abandoned building, surrounded by a quite deserted land. He rushes out of the school.

5 minutes. I'll be there in 5 minutes, Tadao.

Masaomi was running as fast as he could, hoping his friend wasn't in trouble or hurt. The five minutes couldn't go by fast enough, every minute plagued Masaomi with more fear.

"Wait what?"

"Come on Tadaoo, it won't hurt, I promise, just give them some of your blood!"

"Ermm, i-i don't really-"

"If you keep thinking about it, you're gonna get scared! Come ooon!!!"

"Hey stop!" I shout, coming out from hiding behind a broken pillar.

But I didn't stop anything. There were a group of hooded people, all with sharp weapons in hand. One lunges at Tadao and makes a cut on the palm of his hand. Another grabs Tadao still while another drips his blood into a chalice.

I start running to Tadao, but another masked figure runs at me.

"We might as well get this guy's blood too!"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell, punching the guy running at me, in the stomach, temporarily winding him.

"All of you, grab him!"

Resisting their grips, I squirm and try to break out but a slice on my palm is already cut before I can act.

"Well done Sake, i was pleased with the first guy you brought, now i'm over the moon that you brought another too!"

"Hey, they only know me by the name Sunako you fool." She slaps him before turning back to me and Tadao.

"Listen to me now. You're both under a blood curse that will affect your offspring. Any child you have, will spark the curse. The only way to break this curse is to have your offspring, of opposite genders, to marry on the elder of the two's 18th birthday. Failure to do so, and the demons growing inside them will kill them both." She gives a dry smile before adding, "I'm sorry, but it had to be done. Your age now, being 14, is the age in which the demon will start to appear in your offspring."

I blankly look at her, my mind rushing. I try to look over at Tadao but darkness slowly paints my eyes as they roll back. Pain from my hand and my head.

What was happening.

a/n: HI GUYS, SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTINGG! i know this chapter isn't very long at all but it was an important piece of information that now hopefully you can connect some of the dots in the story. That was the last flashback scene (you'll be glad to know) and so next chapter we will be going back to the present time (Where Adira was essentially dying) and carry on from there! I just wanted to add a special thank you TO YOU! Thank you for reading my work, it definitely isn't the best writing out there but I'm glad so many of you have taken interest in my story!

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