29: double trouble

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Team Jabberwock gain possession of the ball, Adira watching Nash closely and making very precise movements, waiting for that precise moment where he cracks. Kise and Akashi keep the other players on Jabberwock in a tight position, allowing for Murasakibara and Kagami to effectively double team Silver. Silver now had the ball and was charging his way to the net, but Kagami quickly takes possession and passes to Adira who makes a three-pointer. Nash seems to get annoyed, Adira notices that his aura starts to change.

Adira: (to herself) would you look at that, he's starting to crack. Only a couple more and we'll see the real Nash.

Adira switches mark with Akashi temporarily to set her plan into motion.

Silver: Why you switching marks Princess? Is our Nash too much for you?

Adira: hmm? Oh yeah, he's really overwhelming so i'll let Seijuro handle him for me.

The game resumes and Nash doen't break his concentration, his movements become more precise, unlike the usual basketball style.

Aomine: (to the players on the bench) Hey guys, i've noticed something!

Momoi: Looks like Adira was right!

Aomine: huh? About what?

Momoi: that if she benched you, you would notice something, seeing as you have experience with street basketball.

Aomine: that witch, always being ahead of everyone-

Midorima: AHOmine shut your mouth, don't ever speak about her like that or i swear i will-

Aomine: OKAY, okay calm down shin-y.

Midorima; What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?

Kuroko: guys calm down please, you're giving me a headache.

Takao: Yeah shin-chan, let's listen to what Aomine figured out,yeah?

Midorima: yeah, yeah nanodayo.

Aomine: I was going to say that Jabberwock aren't playing like streetball players, they are diguising preliminary movements, and to disguise that, means having intensive training and practising.

Midorima: don't you need to have rigorous training from a young age to get that kind of skill?

Aomine: exactly.

Back in the game, Kagami keeps getting shut down by Silver and the gap starts to increase.

Momoi: Why isn't Adira doing something? COME ON!!

Kuroko: Momoi-san calm down! Why is everyone getting so angry today?

Takao: HUHH?

Momoi: HUHH?

Aomine: HUHH?

Kuroko: what's wrong with you guys now?

Takao: this is a really important game man, the stakes for this match are stupidly high that its creating a lot of pressure on the team.

Kuroko: yeah, i know that, but-


Kuroko: i'm not that stressed-

Momoi: WHA-

Aomine: wow, do you want a medal?

Kuroko: i just find it hard to believe that Adira will ever let us lose.

Momoi: yeah but she's not even playing properly.

Kuroko: actually, she's performing at the same rate that Akashi does at the moment, which is pretty effective as she's maintaining stamina at a high rate.

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