33: some check-ups

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Midorima's mom: Shintaro and Seijuro, come on through, the rest of you boys need to stay put in your hospital rooms!

All: HAI!

Midorima's parents get y/n on one of those hospital beds that can be moved around (A/N: you get what i'm on about) and take her to one of the scanners. They put her in the first scanner and note some things down. Next they take her to get an x-ray to see the damage on her ankle.

Midorima's dad: yes, her ankle is definitely broken. She'll have to have a cast for about 6-8 weeks. She won't need surgery though which is a good thing, nanodayo.

Midorima's mom: she doesn't seem to have any other major injuries, so we can get her cast sorted right away!

Midorima: that's good to hear, nanodayo.

Midorima's mom: sorry we couldn't come to the game, shin, your little sister really wanted to go but we had to stay at the hospital, nanodayo.

Midorima: it's alright mom, where is she? Who's looking after her? nanodayo.

Midorima's dad: we brought her here, nanodayo.

Akashi: Himemi-chan is here?

(A/N: so i searched up what Midorima's little sister is called and someone said it was Himemi Midorima so that's what i'm going with)

Midorima's mom: yes... she's probably playing in the children's play area, do you boys want to go find her?

Midorima: Ok, come on Seijuro, she'll be happy to see you again.

The two boys leave and Midorima's parents start on y/n's cast.

With Akashi and Midorima

Midorima: Himemi?

Himemi: ONII-SAMA!?!?!?!?

She practically sprints over to Midorima and throws herself onto him, her eyes red from crying.

Midorima: Himemi, why are you crying?

Himemi: i....didn't....get to....see onii-sama...and ne-chan...and Seijuro-kun...play!

(A/N: for those who are unfamiliar with who she is referring to: onii-sama= Midorima, ne-chan= y/n and Seijuro-kun= Akashi)

She starts bawling her eyes out again.

Akashi: Ah Himemi-chan, there's no need to cry. It was pretty boring anyway and the opponents were really horrible, you wouldn't have liked it.

Himemi: but-but... I still couldn't gooooo!

Midorima: Himemi, calm down, nanodayo. Guess what?

Himemi: what is it onii-sama?

Midorima: you have to guess, nanodayo.


Midorima: huh- WHAT? No, y/n was asleep by the time we finished, so she couldn't buy you any ice cream, nanodayo.

Himemi: oh.

Akashi: it's about the game...


Akashi: yes! We did.

Himemi: WELL DONE!!

Midorima: thank you Himemi. Do you want us to play with you?

Himemi: yes yes yes yes yes yes!

Akashi: haha calm down Himemi-chan! What do you want to play?


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