46: How it all started.

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a/n: The next few chapters will be events that happened in the past btw!

Tadao: Hey Masaomi, wanna play after school today?

Masaomi: Greetings Tadao, I will have to query my father about the proposal first.

Tadao: Haha okay, no need to speak so weirdly with me, just act normal, we're friends ya'know?

Masaomi: Act normal?

Years pass and the two form an unbreakable bond of friendship, doing everything and anything humanly possible together. They are now 14 years old.

Tadao: Hey Masaomi?

Masaomi: yeah?

Tadao: There's this really cute girl I saw on my bus today!

Masaomi: wow, how exciting, so happy for you.

Tadao: Oh come on, show a bit more enthusiasm, she goes to this school you know!

Masaomi: I don't really care, I have more important things to focus on, like my studies, the basketball club, shogi-

Tadao: yeah, yeah, I know you're a nerd, no need to keep boring me. Look, can you just help me?

Masaomi: Help you with what? If it's your homework again then-

Tadao: No, no, no, no. With that girl.

Masaomi: And how am I supposed to help you with that girl?

Tadao: I managed to get a glance at her timetable and it turns out she has chemistry lessons with you.

Masaomi: How on earth did you manage to see her timetable? Didn't you see her for the first time today?

Tadao: She must of moved houses recently, because that is definitely the first time she has ever taken my bus, that's for sure-

Masaomi: I hate how you avoid my questions.

Tadao: Doesn't matter, can you help?

Masaomi: I can't believe I'm saying this but...yes, I will help.

Tadao: OMG thank you! When I get married, you'll be my best man for sure.

Masaomi: yeah, yeah, that's if you get married. Anyway, what's her name?

Tadao: Now that's a tricky one because I don't know.


Tadao: Hey, no need to yell, people are looking at us like weirdos.

Masaomi: Half of that statement would be true.

Tadao: I know you're weird, no need to tell me.

Masaomi: Oh is that so? Looks like you don't need help from a weirdo like me then.

Tadao: Weirdo or not, you're still my best friend, so you are obliged to help.

Masaomi: Did you learn a new word today? I'm so proud of you.

Tadao: I know right. She seems like a smart girl so I gotta impress her.

Masaomi: If a girl is all it takes to motivate you to study, I'd have you married with kids by now.

Tadao: Perfect, now get me married to this girl.

Masaomi: What does she look like?

Tadao: The most beautiful girl ever-

Masaomi: Specifics Tadao.

Tadao: Here, I drew her.

Masaomi: what the heck.

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