51: It's different.

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Momoi's POV.

Dear Diary,

Today marks the 23rd day since the marriage.

Akashi-kun has been in a coma since, his face is still as pale as before, his body is also cold to the touch. It hurts to see him in this state, I really miss him. We all do.

And for y/n-kun...well I don't know what's happening to her really. She isn't acting like she normally would. After the first week, she had returned to her kind-of normal physical state but mentally, i'm not sure.

I honestly feel bad for Midorin. Why? He's so stressed out and worried about y/n but y/n... how do I put this? It's like she doesn't have much memory. When I talk to her, It's like she doesn't know who I am. It's like she's a different person, or more like the same person but absolutely no soul.

It's quite freaky, but we managed to discover she does have memory...but only up until the age of 14.

Yeah, so do you see why I feel bad for Midorin now? To y/n-kun, she thinks she's still dating Akashi-kun, so most of the time you'll find her sitting by his side, waiting for him to wake up.

Midorin and the others have tried to help her remember the past three years of her life, but it's like she refuses to accept it.

I don't know how else to convince her, and it hurts. I'm sure it hurts Midorin more though, the person he's dated for three years now, has completely forgotten about everything about them, and the worst is, she's convinced she and Akashi-kun are together.

As for everyone else, I would say the mood has been quite low. No-ones really got the energy to try to cheer one another up except Takao-kun and Kise-kun. Although, they seem to be struggling to keep their own mood high these days.

It's sad how we have all fallen apart now, everything was going so well... we all got reunited again, they all played again, just like the old days. But I fear it's gone too far in the past for my liking.

I wish I could help. Oh how it's been eating me up everyday. But there's nothing I think I can do anymore.

Every morning I wake up, plaster a cheery smile on my face and go to visit y/n and Akashi-kun in the hospital. And every morning, y/n is stuck by Akashi-kun's bed, with Midorin floating around somewhere in the room or in the hallways.

I tried to ask him, you know, how he's feeling, although I already know his answer. Whether or not he tells me the truth, it doesn't matter because I already know.

It doesn't take an analyst like me to notice the obvious, even people like Kise-kun and Mukkun, who are always in their own worlds, can notice that Midorin isn't okay.

But what was his response? That he was fine.

What a load of rubbish.

But I get it. It's natural for Midorin to have his walls high, only letting y/n past them, but now, he didn't have her either, which is why I need to help her remember.

I'd do anything for her to remember.

I was about to rant some more into my diary before there was a load of commotion in the hospital, Midorin rushing into one of the patients rooms, but strangely enough Midorin's parents and Takao-kun, along with Kise-kun and the others followed suit.

I stood up, running over to the room, not having a clue what was going on.

Then I realised: Akashi.

"What's happening?" I asked, alarmed, confused and worried, looking at anyone to get a response.

But no one responded, everyone just had their focus fixated on the red head in the hospital bed.

My eyes widened as I watched what seemed to be a miracle, his finger moving.

It was only a small, weak twitching of his right hand but then his eyelids began to crease a little, everyone holding their breath.

Then his eyelids fluttered open slowly, blinking hard to try and adjust to the bright light.

Midorin's parents rushed to him, almost on autopilot, and checked his vitals as everyone was frozen in shock and relief.

Well nearly everyone.

y/n stood up instantly, making everyone jump a little, turning their attention to her.

Her eyes slowly watered up as she slowly stared at everyone in the room, leaving us all so puzzled.

I could see Midorin move to go to her side but almost just as quickly, stopped in his tracks.

She looked so hurt and confused, a tear dropping before she ran out of the room.

Akashi was sitting up now, still having his vitals checked.

I was about to follow y/n out but Midorin beat me to it, Takao following behind.

"Akashi-kun" I squeaked, only now moving over to where y/n was originally sitting and holding his hand, still as cold as before.

Then he did something that scared the life out of me.

"GET OFF ME" He screamed in fear, snatching his hand back and holding it to his chest, piercing me with his red eyes.

I won't lie when I say that stung me, tears pricking my eyes.

I felt someone embrace me before saying "Akashi-chhi what's wrong with you?"

It was Kise-kun.

"G-get away from me, all of you!" He replied, his voice laced with complete fear.

"Akas-" Dai-chan started before abruptly being cut off by Akashi-kun.

"Stop calling me that, I don't know you people" He shouted, covering his ears and bringing his knees to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut.

And for the second time today, we were all frozen in shock.

No-one spoke for what seemed ages as we tried to process what Akashi-kun had just said.

"Not him too" someone muttered, but I couldn't make out who amongst all the questions flying about in my head.

Midorin's parents were the only ones still doing something to help Akashi-kun, asking us all to leave the room while they spoke to him.

Again, no-one spoke as we left the room, mindlessly walking until we found a seat.

A/N: IM ALIVEEE!! lemme start by saying i'm so sorry for not being super active in terms of updating this book, life is super hectic for me right now but it's been on my mind that I haven't completed this story yet, so i'm going to try to finish it off once and for all. I won't lie i forgot a tonne of the plot after I got a bit of writer's block but I've got a rough idea of how to save this story lmao. So if you remember this story, then I'll say, ENJOY THE CHAPTERR!!! <33

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