26: mommy? daddy?

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Insert flashback...
(A/N: the children refer to their parents as mommy and daddy, don't make it weird, just don't)

y/n: mommy, when will you all be back?

Mom: don't worry darling, only a week, we'll be back before you know it, i promise.

y/n: but do you have to go?

Dad: yes of course we do, we have to settle your brother in to his new school, you know that!

y/n: ugh fine.

Mom: good girl, now be good to the Midorima family ok?(A/N: I dunno what to call them so yh)

y/n: yes mommy!

Dad: and no funny business with Shintaro ok?

y/n: daddy!

Dad: i mean it-

Mom: darling, stop teasing her. You need to finish packing.

Bro: i finished packing mommy!

Mom: good boy! Go play with your sister then, we'll leave in 10 minutes!

Bro: ok!

    Mom and dad go upstairs to finish packing and you're left alone with your brother.

Bro: wanna shoot some hoops?

y/n: ok...

Bro: come on, don't get so down, this won't be the last time we play basketball together! I'm coming back every month to visit so don't worry!

y/n: yeah i know-

Bro: then let's play! Don't tell me you're too good to play me now!

y/n: actually i might be.

Bro: we'll see about that.

    They play and y/n wins.

Bro: i guess you are better than me now.

y/n: what do you mean 'now', i was always better than you! She laughs

Mom: come on now guys, we have to go now.

Both: coming!

Dad: we'll drop you off first, okay y/n?

y/n: yeah ok!

    They drive her to school.

Mom: we're going to drop your stuff off at the Midorima's house okay? So see you later.

y/n: ok, bye guys.

They drive off and she goes inside. She carries on her day at school as normal. The bell rings for the end of the school day. Usually she would head straight to the basketball court for practise but she felt something was off.

Midorima: hey, wanna walk to practise together?

y/n: urm, something doesn't feel right, let me call my brother first, go on without me.

Midorima: you sure?

y/n: yeah, yeah, i'm sure. Go on.

She rings her brother but it goes to voicemail. She tries again but it was the same response.

y/n: why isn't he picking up?

She rings her parents this time and the same happened.

y/n: something's definitely wrong.

    Just then an unknown number calls. She hesitates before answering.

y/n: hello?

Caller: hello, is this y/n y/l/n?

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